Google+ google6512caf20c0de6cc.html Publisher ID: pub-8431128660848232 2016 ~ Gerald Ballantyne

Welcome - To Income Blog

Work from home

Where is your next holiday

You will require money

Bought your dream car yet

About 98% of people buy a 2nd hand car

Happy where your living

Many would like to live elsewhere

No stress

Work with like minded people

Men like toys

This is mine

What is wrong with having the best

When you can afford it

Travel or move anywhere in the world

And run your business

I am ready to work with you

Will you work with me

Friday, 18 November 2016



Black Friday Offer

Buy now!!!

You've probably seen buzz word of 2015/2016...."Video". In fact - we like to call it the video band wagon, where nearly every product released seems to include the word "video" in it... ...even if it's totally unrelated!
Most popular video player are incredibly feature rich, tech savvy works of art. In fact, we admire how good there features are.. So whats the problem? These video players are built by GREAT technical people...BUT in most cases, many are poor marketers. It's NOT the amazing features that makes a video sell... its the ENGAGEMENT. And guess what? Doodle videos are proven to be the biggest converting, cash sucking conversions tools online. A marketers dream tool.

THE No 1 Doodle Software Allows You To Create Amazing and NEW Interactive Sketch Videos, Sky Rocket Engagement And Boost Sales by 337% for ANY Business.

Watch the Amazing NEW Interactive Easy Sketch Pro 3.0 build a video from scratch and make it Interactive

With ESP you can take your marketing to a much higher level or maybe you are a teacher and you want to create educational videos for the class. The possibilities of ESP are endless and only stumped by ones imagination. 


Now you have watched the free video, do you want some more info? We think it should be available to the masses and not just the elite, the guru's and big spenders.

Video marketing is becoming the front line in the advertising world, far above anything else. People watch videos rather than boring text, this brings in customers and sales which means money in your bank account.

Here is a screen shot from google about a business, the key words were ''Man in van'' quite a normal search term here in the UK. Also the town was targeted and as you can see there are other ''Man in van'' adverts, but what is the difference. It was the only ''Man in van'' video ever made for the keywords and target. The video ad went straight to page 1 of google and few hours later became the no 1 result.

 Now we all know that to get on Page 1 at No 1 on Google search is not easy and you can spend a lot of money to get your ad there. But all it cost me was some dollars and some time to create the video, all 59 seconds of it in this case.

(Stick to 30 seconds, you want your video to go viral as fast as possible)


To create a viral video the max time is 30 seconds and no more

Now where do you want to advertise your video ad? on search engines or Facebook groups. More info once you click the banner ad.

 31,720 people reached 

  Click the ad NOW! and start getting your business seen by thousands.


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Think small be small -Think big become big

In my first years of network marketing I bought audio tapes, cd's, books, pamphlets, video cassettes, to learn about my industry. And for 10 years I built an off-line catalogue product business which paid me every month and built a team.

It has been 6 years since then, and on-line the success has been a disaster? why is that? well 2 years of learning how to even use a PC and mouse, making mistakes left right and centre but for ever-moving forward.

The marketing side I just followed thousands who did the same and what a disaster that was, all of them are still broke and because I was following them I am no better off than I was when I started online.

It is time to leave the fools road and start punching it. For the past few months now my attention has gone to the 5/6/7/8/ figure earners, what are they doing, how are they doing it, talking to them and sharing secrets, learning new systems and using new tools.

What worked off-line does not work online and I could see a while back this was not going to be easy and finding fact from fiction online was going to be a huge learning curve, I need to do something fast because this fools road is loaded with traps.

Now that I have been working with large income earners and tested some of the systems and tools to prove that they work I am all go and ready to start earning my big income cheques starting next month in my first of 3 high ticket business I am joining. Why 3? I have noticed that the big earners also believe in multiple income streams, but the secret of their success is, they are not at the bottom of the ladder they are at the top of the ladder.

They do not want the small change at the bottom where thousands of others are scraping and struggling, they are wiling to do so much more to have the lifestyle and income that those at the bottom only dream about, but do nothing to achieve it. This is fact, I know because my mind-set was all messed up with garbage that I absorbed because I thought this was the way and because everyone else was doing the same. That is the same thinking when millions wake up to a clock and go to work, that is not what I came on-line for.

Every year and I have said myself and so have thousands of others ''This will be the year'' what a load of crock that is, it is repeat year in and year out and it will happen again and again and for a very simple reason. No one will make any changes what so ever to their thoughts on failure nor learn anything new to help push them forward.

My friends? will soon part company from me or I will them, I cannot follow failure, I will follow success because they know what they are doing and as they say ''Surround yourself with the right people'' Already I have some special friends in my list who would not be there had I not taken on a whole new perspective as to why I am failing in not making a lot of money online.

I am sorry for those that have left the world of Network marketing, believing it does not work, I know it does, but because they followed the wrong people they believe it is, when you constantly lose money in a company or it collapses or it is scam then they are not totally to blame but rather not getting the education that is necessary to learn how to make money is where their fault is.

1. Get educated and updated on what works in systems and tools. Be prepared to spend some money. Do you have any idea what $100 could get you these days. Trust me a ton of info and tools.

2. Find a high ticket business where commissions start at $500
(I know one, where the top commission is $50,000)

3. Surround yourself with the right people, not only will you learn more you will find yourself travelling to many places. And in some cases, just learn even more, while sipping cocktails on a beach.

Learn and earn with me and others. You either start changing the way you are and learn some skills or just carry on as normal.

Friday, 7 October 2016

I like free, don't you.

 I like free, don't you

Our philosophy is to serve instead of sell. You will not find many words like that around.

If you are in Network marketing, own an online shop, an affiliate marketer or just need some knowledge on how to do some awesome marketing for yourself, then today's post I hope will help you.

Free training and there is some serious action needed here, it is in depth and it works. I know, I have used up all this free training, FB ads being an awesome training on it's own and boy have I saved a lot of money.

There is no need for me to blah blah on this, just go to site and see for yourself. Over 50,000 have joined so far since opening in a couple months, also awesome news on Shopify.

Some amazing people are joining this company, high level affiliates, high level leaders in the industry, Icons of business, TV personalities.

And if you are interested, then get there!


Tecademics International Affiliate Marketing Conference November 2016

 High tickets business's is all that you should join, why sell a product for $1.00 x 10000 = $10000 when you can be selling one product for a commission of $10,000.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Earn the big money

Earn the big money

Even when your just hanging around

Well I don't really hate hanging around 

When it pays so well

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Afraid to make a video

Afraid to make a video

Me too, I was also afraid of many thing in life, but we all overcome don't we.

If your online and in business VIDEOS AND PHOTOS are you armory.
If your scared then contact me and lets get rid of that fear.

About me

About me

2002 is when it all started, back home in the UK after spending 20 years in South Africa with little money some boxes in storage in South Africa and our suitcases.
We had no jobs no transport and just about broke. We lived in Battle not far from the seaside town of Hastings  our accommodation was a bought tent and everything we needed to start our life in the UK and with no help from our governmental system services (They would not give us any help and that is another story) we were truly grateful to the owners of the caravan park who were very helpful and lenient with us while we got on our feet.
With pure determination, need and necessity we both looked for jobs, walking the streets, the Internet cafes and talking to people. I was the first to get a job and it came with a vehicle (That was a god send in its self) Then my wife got a job and now the money was coming in which enabled us to rent a flat and furnish it. We even got a car for ourselves. We had begun our life in the UK from nothing and with no help from anyone.
What we had was not what we wanted and nor were the jobs but when you are down on your luck, you are grateful for everything that comes along. being in our late 40’s life ahead was not looking rosy and some decisions had to be made I had by now been through two jobs one of them working for a major white goods firm in London (Hated it) my wife was doing on and learning about working for the NHS something later she would find out was politically incorrect and very cruel.
It was time to make a move, but where was the question and it was agreed to go back to my old haunting grounds where friends were and familiarity Taunton in Somerset.
Once again rented property and found jobs, yes lucky with my skills and my wife’s experience with the NHS she just simply just got another job with the NHS of which she was to spend the next 10 years with. Myself as a refrigeration engineer and master of a few other skills were now fine and settled, only there was one very big problem, no pension and no matter how much we could save it would never be enough, so our pensionable days ahead of us was looking bleak and depressing, in fact we were heading full on into trouble and a sad end to our what has been an adventure and fun life.
It took a visit to the Bath and West show and parking our car among the other thousand cars and of to see the show. On our return trying to remember where we parked the car (Well we all do it don’t we ha ha ) I noticed a card on a car like so many other cards on hundreds of cars and stole it, it read ”Work from home” it was that day that changed our future forever, I had found the answer to everything.
And our first introduction to a Network marketing company  called Kleeneze
Our first big cheque and a holiday in Egypt (That’s me on top mount Sinai)
We had arrived or should say begun our journey in a new life unknown by many but right under our noses.

No regrets with what I was doing, whether right or wrong I was learning and making mistakes as I went along and that is how it works unless you have someone to follow. On reflection I think I am glad I chose the route I did, it took me places and opened horizons, had I just followed someone I may have missed a lot.
I think experience is good, should the need ever arise to help someone or a question asked, I could in all honesty give an opinion on it instead of a ”I have no idea” or ” No I would not do that” I was and still am enjoying the learning on-line it never stops, new technology , new software, new ideas, new goals and new adventures and a zillion people out there who need help or want to buy something.
So what was the next step, affiliate marketing was not working (My fault) so up came eBay and like thousands have found eBay and thought this is it. I opened a dvd shop with hundreds of DVDs along side drop shipping, now I was learning e-commerce and other skills and software PDF XL docs etc I actually made sales. But with running an on line store so did the complaints come in, many trying their luck ”I never received the product” pays to have tracking and I knew they had but it was not me that had to put up with the complaints it was the drop shippers, it did not do my star rating well. And so Ebay crumpled into the dust and along came Amazon, no I am not going there ha ha ha.
The Internet was now filing up with all kinds of business’s in particular “Products” manufactures of all kinds were coming on-line and needed people to join them as partners or as we know today as ”affiliate marketers” Yes I joined one, a pain relief company which sold a good product I even became an agent in the UK for it and then things started going wrong. I wont go into the story as it would be boring, lets just say another learning curve had been born and absorbed. Just to update you I am now 4 years in on the Internet and still not made any big money, working on line was beginning to look like a no no for me but I battle on. Oh and by the way yes I did Click bank as well.
Then there were the sharks who wanted to save the world I fell for this and so did thousands more, it has been 2 years since I left the last shark $5000 lost and $1 million gone in total. Bad experience and never again.
In the meanwhile I am still learning, my blogger blog has over 470,000 views, learning all about traffic and driving people to where I may have something for them, I am now finding out what it is and what it takes to make it on-line I also came across something else that I knew nothing about ''Rev share business'' basically it is a site for you to add your blog or website and hopefully make some sales and you earn from it, I had joined one previous to that and it tuned out to be another scam and millions lost in that as well, the owners now being in prison, my money in account was $190,000 it was not real and all fake. I was dubious about joining another but this time I struck gold for the first time on the Internet and today my earnings are at $16000 ( Have used some of it, it pays very well and instant) and climbing and started the business in October 2015 with a one-off bought product for $50, we are now looking very good.
But I am not happy, I have taken on board so much information gained so much knowledge I am now realising I can do so much more, not just for us but for others also.
There is one big stumbling block with working on-line and that is having to depend on others to make your fortune and with that comes many ups and downs and the list is long and frustrating. If I have choice to what direction to take then it would be affiliate marketing
No 1 it is accepted world-wide as a very legitimate way of earning income by selling other people’s products, much like a supermarket does, there is very good money in it.
No 2 there is just to many failed business out there and a guarantee that the business will fail or eventually run out of people, you are in a risk world where the strong stay and win or the weak fail and settle to a life of mediocrity. MLM is not easy if it requires members to make it, you just cannot hire the whole planet and considering how many companies are out there I am afraid our planet does not have enough people to satisfy every business so expect a business to fail, I guarantee it, if it has no strong product to sell, it will be gone eventually.
Funny now that I see it, remembering my old blogs and all those products that did not work for me, now I know why and if I had the knowledge then as I do now, we just might be very well off on this day. However we are not but I am on the road and know what to do now.
”’A franchise” I found something and it is ”Affiliate marketing” but franchise style, buy the licence sell the products, get trained by coaches and experts, travel the world on courses, earn very high ticket returns, earn cars cruises holidays and other rewards and you do so all by yourself no dependency on anyone, no need to get other people to join your business to make you rich, just do it yourself. My Internet life our Internet life has just been found and it took 6 years to get here.
Be careful out there, get help with experts, there is no need for you to wait 6 years to get what you want, you could do it in 1 year.
Do you know the story of Colonel Sanders (Kentucky fried chicken) do not think you will not make it, with the right mentor and sponsor and product, you will. He is just one example of some one who would not give up, you can have what you want if your willing to fight for it.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Funnel scripts

Funnel scripts or ''How on earth can I do copy writing''?

Remember when we went through ''Split testing'' and we wrote two ads. Well to sell the product we had to come up with some words or script to create the ad with, this is as basic as you can get to be a copy writer in marketing.

What is a copy writer, here is a site on that no point, no need for me repeating or stealing info and putting it here on my blog So you and I are in the marketing game and we sell products and services to customers. I never did go to university or walked out of school with high diploma's in fact even for me to write catchy selling ads or stories is not my forte and neither of us really need it, but on saying that, if you can learn like I am at creating content including sales jargon ''It does give you an edge'' To create scripts and call in a copy writer could cost you thousands of dollars and for one news letter for example could cost you $15000.

I don't think any of us could afford that certainly when your only starting out or maybe midway to earning your first 3 figure income. Headlines, sales letters videos, upsells are the hardest to create in FUNNELS and a copy writer would make mince meat of creating scripts for them but for you and me, we need some help. Unless you're willing to pay the high fees, and often even give up equity in your company or business, it can be really hard and expensive to get good copy done for your funnels.

 You can see a demo webinar showing you a new software program we created that will actually write you copy for you!!! (And it isn't going to cost you $15k + equity)... "How To Get ALL Of Your Sales Letters, ScriptsAnd Webinars Slides Written (In Under 10 MinutesWITHOUT Hiring An Expensive Copywriter

We have been working on a project for the past few months to make getting all of the copy for your funnels really easy.
Want to see a demo of 'Funnel Scripts' in action?

Split testing, is it worth it?

Split testing, is it worth it?

Split testing, is it worth it?
Have you ever placed an ad online or even in a newspaper. I have and the response can vary and only the right eyes that look at the ad may buy what you are selling it could also show 100 or even a 1000 people interested in what you are selling and if it is a single product and a one off then it is sold, end of story. But what if it is multiple products that millions could buy, you would want as many buyers as possible, that is the idea of advertising and doing it well and making a lot of profit. Split testing is worth it, what do I mean?

Here are two ads
  1. For sale, paperback book on how to buy your dream car within six months Telephone 123456789
  2. Hurry while stocks last, your dream car in six months Visit http;//

 Which one did you choose? I chose the second one and why? The first ad had no call to action as like the 2nd ad ''Hurry while stocks last'' I have no idea what the ''Stock '' was but what ever it is if I want the information then I had best act fast. Also the fact that I could have my dream car in six months coupled with urgency, excited me. It also had a website for me to take a look.

Emotions can play a big part in ad creation and getting people to react. In the first ad I already knew it was a paperback book and that I could probably buy it at anytime, I was not looking for a dream car at the time of seeing the ad (Although it would be nice at some point) my reaction is not to click or call just in case there was a salesman on the other side. I think you would agree the 2nd ad won hands down.
  1. Information ad
  2. Action ad 
One of the biggest failings for anyone or any company is not implementing ''Split testing'' it could be an ad or a web form or a video or even colour. There is no guarantee of any sale of product or service unless testing is done first. I have done this on Face Book ads and the result was quite amazing.

My first ad was costing me $1.73 per click this kind of cost could and would most likely cost more than the product I was selling . This is where people give up FB Ads, I see it all the time, ''Fb ads do not work, to expensive'' if that were true then how is it possible that Face Book make millions of dollars on advertising, it certainly is not because of ''Suckers''. With some tweaking I actually got my clicks down to .05 of a cent and then a little birdy showed me something else I actually got down to .004 of a cent I still have to get that down to .0002 just a couple more tweaks to do  (That was other information and not so much about split testing, just another method of getting lower cost clicks, which I am not discussing here.

So I had proven split testing is very important for profit gain or ''ROI'' no one wants to spend more than the cost of product or service, if you spend $1000 on advertising and your ''ROI'' is $3000 for every $1000 spent, then you have hit the mother load.
Free Book!  108 Proven Split Test Winners!
"Simple Tweaks You Can Make To Your Website, So You Can Make More Money Now!"
  • We added ONE tiny thing to our blog, and is making us $276 for EVERY thousand visitors we get to our blog... (this one is almost dumb, cause it's SO easy to add to ANY blog(Page 9)
  • "Buy Now" VS "Free Trial" - one of them will give you a158.6% increase - do you know which one? (Page 10)
  • When do you show your order form - screw this one up and you could lose 44% of your sales (Page 11)
  • The secret "Bridge" page you should show BEFORE anyone sees your video sales video - by blocking your orders with this page before they see your message, you can see up to a 59% increase in conversions! (Page 13)
  • The unobvious price drop that gave us a HUGE 616.4% INCREASE in conversions and gave us 4 times as many customers! (Page 14)
  • What we learned from a recent campaign that added 41,000 new members to one sites in just 30 days (Page 15)
Inside Of This Free Book You'll Discover The Results To These Shocking Splits Tests

Solo ads? We can do better than that

Solo ads? We can do better than that


Discover How Using Us To Send 1,000’s Of Real Humans Beings To Your Website, While Defeating The Bots, Will Get You A Guaranteed 60%+ Optin Rate And A Super Responsive Email Subscriber List…

Human Eye Balls Features

  • 1,000’s of “Today Fresh” Human Eyeball Inventory Available…
  • 100% Top 5 English Speaking Country Traffic…
  • ZERO Bot Guarantee…
  • We Host and Create Your Squeeze Page FOR You… (Only Way We Guarantee 60% Optin Rate)
  • We Have The Highest Repeat Traffic Customer Buyers In The Industry…
The industry of solo ads is raked with scams and dubious characters, this is not the whole industry of course, there are always the good guys. Udimi I highly recommend. But we can go one better  with

Human Eye Balls

Monday, 12 September 2016

Market your business

Market your business

There is nothing more rewarding than helping others who are either struggling online or who have no idea what to do.

As I always say, there are far more Indians than there are chiefs online, which is a shame as so many leave the industry broken and spent. I take it upon myself to help others as I was where you are now or if you are seasoned then something here might be useful.

I cannot help those that have left but I can help those who fight on and for their dreams.

Free Preview - How To FIND, LIST & SELL Physical Products Online! Peter Sorensen shares a quick overview of the 'How To Find, List, & Sell Physical Products Online' step by step training HERE


Free Preview - Email Marketing Tips To Build A Loyal Tribe That BUYS From You! HERE


Not many know this one - Free Preview - How To Get A $10,000 Working Capital Loan From Paypal HERE


Free Preview: How To 10X Your Mindset To Build, Grow & Scale Your Online Business! HERE


The one true business online is Affiliate marketing - Peter Sorensen shares a quick overview 'The Beginner's Guide To Making Money Online With Affiliate Marketing HERE


Free Preview - A Beginner's Guide To Making Money Online With Print On Demand Products HERE


Free Preview - How To Get Video Views For A Penny Or Less Per View! HERE


Free Preview - How to Set Up & Run A Successful E-Commerce Store...$35K In Sales In 12 Days Case Study! HERE


13 Elements of a Successful Sales Message - from the Tecademics Launch Conference. HERE


How would you like to win a BMW I8 - Free Ambassador Opportunity HERE


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

New business and helping all that work on the Internet

New business and helping all that work on the Internet 

No matter what your business is or what your profession everything requires systems and tools to function and to progress.

Here are some traffic methods you never thought of.

GOOGLE VIDEO AD TRAINING Want to cash in on over 1 Billion unique visitors Per Month that currently visit My special video, done exclusively for you is waiting when you click on the banner to show how YOU can drive an unlimited amount of targeted traffic to your website/offers and ONLY pay once the viewer watches at least half of your video!

 Find out more click here

Own the traffic Thinking out the box is not easy for many, but thankfully many do and what they come up with can simply amaze you on how to get visitors to your products and services. You can have this for $1.00 seriously $1.00 nothing hidden or any surprises. Watch how you can get thousands of visitors to your products or services. Dam clever this. The  ad shows $10 a month you will see why may may even be $5 a month but all we want from you is $1 that is all. 52,000 175,000 375,000  visitors seeing your offers, if you sold one product is that $10 or $5 covered.

 Find out more click here

Youtube Tsunami robot It couldn't be any easier to drive hundreds and thousands of leads to your site, videos, or offers. Millions of dollars are being made by Google via youtube. How would you like to make money from youtube and no you do not have to create any videos, this is so easy I sometimes wonder why I could not have thought of something so simple.

 Find out more click here


Take your advertising to a whole new level


Dear Reader, You've probably seen buzz word of 2015/2016...."Video". In fact - we like to call it the video band wagon, where nearly every product released seems to include the word "video" in it... ...even if it's totally unrelated!

Most popular video player are incredibly feature rich, tech savvy works of art. In fact, we admire how good there features are.. So whats the problem? These video players are built by GREAT technical people...BUT in most cases, many are poor marketers. It's NOT the amazing features that makes a video sell... its the ENGAGEMENT. And guess what? Doodle videos are proven to be the biggest converting, cash sucking conversions tools online. A marketers dream tool.

THE No 1 Doodle Software Allows You To Create Amazing and NEW Interactive Sketch Videos, Sky Rocket Engagement And Boost Sales by 337% for ANY Business.

Watch the Amazing NEW Interactive Easy Sketch Pro 3.0 build a video from scratch and make it Interactive

With ESP you can take your marketing to a much higher level or maybe you are a teacher and you want to create educational videos for the class. The possibilities of ESP are endless and only stumped by ones imagination. What is the software worth to you? what could it do for your business, how can it make your life so much easier

. Screenshot_2 

 We believe that the price should be available and affordable to the masses, once you see inside what is available you will not hesitate to download and start using. It is not even $150 It is not even $100 click the banner to find out more.

 Find out more click here

You are overspending on traffic - ONE PENNY. That means, if you're paying any more for clicks, you're paying too much. So stop what you're doing, right now, and check this out: For $1 only and nothing else to pay us PROMISE this is traffic generation information only. You will love it, when it comes to FB you need to know how to get around there rules and why not, with 1.5 billion members you want some of that traffic, right?

 Find out more click here

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Gold money

Gold money

 Open an account and receive gold for joining up

What is bitgold and how does it work?

BitGold is just like paypal except it only utilizes one base currency: weights of gold. The platform superimposes up to 160 different currency values on top of your gold weight allowing you to "think" in your local currency.
The benefits are profound:
1) You are able to peg your labour, goods, services or time to gold which can be stored  in 106 different cities around the world with insurance from Lloyds.
2) You can avoid foreign currency transaction fees entirely as a merchant or someone looking to make a cross-boarder payment. By utilizing a gold as the bridge between two currencies, you are avoiding the banking system and instead transacting through a gold market. This means less fees and instant settlement. With BitGold we are able to move as little as $.03 worth of "value" for only a 1% fee. Settled instantly!
3) You can begin a long-term savings journey with gold which may be accessed for transactions via your GoldMoney MasterCard at any point of sale or ATM machine. We offer the card for free.
The best way to learn about BitGold is to open an account. Use this link and you will get some free gold upon completion of sign up

True Gold Ownership
It’s Your Gold

Every gram of gold in your account is your property: fully reserved, allocated, and redeemable under Bailment Law in Canada as per our Customer Agreement.
Physical for Everyone

BitGold made it easy for anyone to own physical gold. Redeem your gold as physical 10g GoldCubes ® or 1kg Bullion bars. Many Redemption Options

Redeem gold value back to your bank account, credit card, INTERAC, or SEPA at within 1% of official gold price.Tax Tools

Using gold for payments may generate a taxable gain or loss depending on your country of residence. BitGold provides a tax tool for end of year accounting in local currency. 
BitGold – We’re advancing the digital payments revolution by helping people securely acquire, store, and now spend gold with unprecedented simplicity. Accounts are free and can be opened in minutes. BitGold provides users with a secure vault account to purchase and hold gold, the ability to make and receive instant gold payments, and a prepaid card for spending gold at traditional points of sale. Through BitGold’s network of ATM’s customers can fund their accounts with local-currency.

Unprecedented Pricing
Own physical gold at within 1% of the official gold price.
Storage Fees on Us
Free storage at private vaults secured by Brinks in Dubai, Hong Kong, London, Singapore, Toronto, and Zurich, among others.
Multiple Deposit Options
Cash via BitGold ATM, Bank Wire Transfer, All Major Credit and Debit Cards, China UnionPay, INTERAC, and SEPA.
Fully Insured
100% insurance coverage on your gold value through the London market by The Brinks Company.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Advertising methods / Facebook cold calling

Advertising methods / Facebook cold calling 

One of the scariest methods of advertising or looking to talking to people is cold calling and it is the most effective way of advertising other than email marketing.

98% of people will not do this nor learn how to and when I say l ''learn how to'' it really is about you, if you could come out of your comfort zone and take this task head on, you will be far more successful.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Would you take a survey

Would you take a survey

98% of many in Internet marketing business's MLM or Affiliate marketing have no clue on how to market their business or any business because they have never been trained to do so and many people will charge people to teach them the good stuff. Thousands come on line everyday and with no where to go and no one to run to for help. A very dangerous and costly place to be.


Monday, 13 June 2016

How many people out there have no clue what to do on the Internet when it comes to earning on line

How many people out there have no clue what 
to do on the Internet when it comes to earning on line

Where on earth do you start working on line, what do you look for, who or what do you join, who or what do you trust, you have been already warned about scams, bogus business and the list goes on because your friends have told you so much that you are now completely lost and even worried about having ago.

I am happy to say that if you have arrived at my blog then you have found that one place where your going to find a lot of help a lot of assistance and do you know why I am the answer to all that you require to make a living on line and how can I say so boldly so?

So that you may become a very good friend 

What I am offering you maybe just what it is you require and if we have a good partnership together we both will make some very good money together and you will talk about me and share and I will share your thoughts and success with others, it is a two way street.

One of the first things you will probably look into is mlm or network marketing business's and that is quite normal you were probably told that is what you could look at by others in the business but ask yourself this, what do I FEEL like doing, what am I PASSIONATE about, if you think like that you could be a lot closer to knowing what you wish to do on line.

When we joined a Network marketing company here in the UK we struck lucky first time around and had 10 years in it earning, learning and growing. That does not happen to a lot of people and what we did in that business is a bit different than on line although you need to learn more skills, well that was fine, we were used to coming out of comfort zone and learning new stuff.

Be prepared to learn because what you have known before will have no use where we are going and if you are a seasoned Network marketer you are still going to do more and maybe stuff you have ignored before. There is a big difference between putting a poster on a telegraph pole and creating a google ad word campaign.

Anyone arriving and reading this post be warned the road is rosy but you are going to work for it. And remember I have been where you have been or are, there is not much you can hide from me either, everything soon rises to the surface and becomes exposed.

Now one question  and it comes up often ''Do I need a blog or website'' Yes you will, you will learn skills that will require a blog or website. I have this blog because I love doing stuff and learning, I never stop learning. So YES you do. But Hey! you are the future of yourself why not have a go, there are plenty websites where you can build a site in 1 hour just to get started have a good site for that. I love the saying ''Earn and learn'' or ''Learn and and earn''. Do not worry I am here to help. And you blog will never look like mine, your going for simplicity first, what you do after that is up to you.

Ok so nice post ''Now what''? well I am about to go on a Journey and I am asking if you would like to join me. After 16 years online and made some money I am not rich (I bet you heard you could get rich on the Internet) yes you can but it takes time and knowledge and money and if you choose the wrong paths on line as I have done then you will be wasting a lot of time in searching for riches on the Internet. There is no need for you to make the same mistakes.

I do have other business running and they are doing fine and at the moment pay the bills and some luxuries but I am after the BIG business ''You just received $10000 sale''

I think this is something you might be interested in. I know we are, high earning products are the answer to getting the money quicker this is known as affiliate marketing and you will come across it. Selling other people products is genuine and probably the most legal way of earning money on the internet

Do not get me wrong though, Network marketing and its companies, and there are many out there and as I said ''One of them could be your passion'' this could be your way to go but fair warning the big companies are there and so are thousands of people in them and to be successful in them you need to be the go getter otherwise you are not going to make it.

I can talk on and on here but I do not want to bore you, you are here because you are looking so let's get focused and let me know what you are thinking and where are you in your life that you want to make some drastic changes.

What do you want to earn
$29.99 or $10000.00 for one sale
Over and over

Skype gerald.longman

 I need to know where your mindset is so you can email me with just a few lines, like 
'''I/we are not earning''
''I/we do not know enough to earn good money''
''Not enough knowledge''
or just simply

Email me at
(This is not the same as filling in the form so do that as well)

Do you want to be on a list ready and waiting for what I am going to be offering
everyone as soon as I get the word GO!

If you have hesitation then just look at what Richard Branson says on the images in the slider and right hand section. He is right.

You are going to require training and tools if you want that $10000 sale over and over

The cost to join will be $49 and what you will get for that is simply out standing.

You are going to become smart and clever and use your on line time to it's maximum benefit

Fill in your details on the pop up and you will be added to the waiting list
As you will be waiting I will keep you updated with what is going on

So get on board, fill that form.

Catch you later.