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Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Funnel scripts

Funnel scripts or ''How on earth can I do copy writing''?

Remember when we went through ''Split testing'' and we wrote two ads. Well to sell the product we had to come up with some words or script to create the ad with, this is as basic as you can get to be a copy writer in marketing.

What is a copy writer, here is a site on that no point, no need for me repeating or stealing info and putting it here on my blog So you and I are in the marketing game and we sell products and services to customers. I never did go to university or walked out of school with high diploma's in fact even for me to write catchy selling ads or stories is not my forte and neither of us really need it, but on saying that, if you can learn like I am at creating content including sales jargon ''It does give you an edge'' To create scripts and call in a copy writer could cost you thousands of dollars and for one news letter for example could cost you $15000.

I don't think any of us could afford that certainly when your only starting out or maybe midway to earning your first 3 figure income. Headlines, sales letters videos, upsells are the hardest to create in FUNNELS and a copy writer would make mince meat of creating scripts for them but for you and me, we need some help. Unless you're willing to pay the high fees, and often even give up equity in your company or business, it can be really hard and expensive to get good copy done for your funnels.

 You can see a demo webinar showing you a new software program we created that will actually write you copy for you!!! (And it isn't going to cost you $15k + equity)... "How To Get ALL Of Your Sales Letters, ScriptsAnd Webinars Slides Written (In Under 10 MinutesWITHOUT Hiring An Expensive Copywriter

We have been working on a project for the past few months to make getting all of the copy for your funnels really easy.
Want to see a demo of 'Funnel Scripts' in action?


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