Google+ google6512caf20c0de6cc.html Publisher ID: pub-8431128660848232 June 2016 ~ Gerald Ballantyne

Welcome - To Income Blog

Work from home

Where is your next holiday

You will require money

Bought your dream car yet

About 98% of people buy a 2nd hand car

Happy where your living

Many would like to live elsewhere

No stress

Work with like minded people

Men like toys

This is mine

What is wrong with having the best

When you can afford it

Travel or move anywhere in the world

And run your business

I am ready to work with you

Will you work with me

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Advertising methods / Facebook cold calling

Advertising methods / Facebook cold calling 

One of the scariest methods of advertising or looking to talking to people is cold calling and it is the most effective way of advertising other than email marketing.

98% of people will not do this nor learn how to and when I say l ''learn how to'' it really is about you, if you could come out of your comfort zone and take this task head on, you will be far more successful.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Would you take a survey

Would you take a survey

98% of many in Internet marketing business's MLM or Affiliate marketing have no clue on how to market their business or any business because they have never been trained to do so and many people will charge people to teach them the good stuff. Thousands come on line everyday and with no where to go and no one to run to for help. A very dangerous and costly place to be.


Monday, 13 June 2016

How many people out there have no clue what to do on the Internet when it comes to earning on line

How many people out there have no clue what 
to do on the Internet when it comes to earning on line

Where on earth do you start working on line, what do you look for, who or what do you join, who or what do you trust, you have been already warned about scams, bogus business and the list goes on because your friends have told you so much that you are now completely lost and even worried about having ago.

I am happy to say that if you have arrived at my blog then you have found that one place where your going to find a lot of help a lot of assistance and do you know why I am the answer to all that you require to make a living on line and how can I say so boldly so?

So that you may become a very good friend 

What I am offering you maybe just what it is you require and if we have a good partnership together we both will make some very good money together and you will talk about me and share and I will share your thoughts and success with others, it is a two way street.

One of the first things you will probably look into is mlm or network marketing business's and that is quite normal you were probably told that is what you could look at by others in the business but ask yourself this, what do I FEEL like doing, what am I PASSIONATE about, if you think like that you could be a lot closer to knowing what you wish to do on line.

When we joined a Network marketing company here in the UK we struck lucky first time around and had 10 years in it earning, learning and growing. That does not happen to a lot of people and what we did in that business is a bit different than on line although you need to learn more skills, well that was fine, we were used to coming out of comfort zone and learning new stuff.

Be prepared to learn because what you have known before will have no use where we are going and if you are a seasoned Network marketer you are still going to do more and maybe stuff you have ignored before. There is a big difference between putting a poster on a telegraph pole and creating a google ad word campaign.

Anyone arriving and reading this post be warned the road is rosy but you are going to work for it. And remember I have been where you have been or are, there is not much you can hide from me either, everything soon rises to the surface and becomes exposed.

Now one question  and it comes up often ''Do I need a blog or website'' Yes you will, you will learn skills that will require a blog or website. I have this blog because I love doing stuff and learning, I never stop learning. So YES you do. But Hey! you are the future of yourself why not have a go, there are plenty websites where you can build a site in 1 hour just to get started have a good site for that. I love the saying ''Earn and learn'' or ''Learn and and earn''. Do not worry I am here to help. And you blog will never look like mine, your going for simplicity first, what you do after that is up to you.

Ok so nice post ''Now what''? well I am about to go on a Journey and I am asking if you would like to join me. After 16 years online and made some money I am not rich (I bet you heard you could get rich on the Internet) yes you can but it takes time and knowledge and money and if you choose the wrong paths on line as I have done then you will be wasting a lot of time in searching for riches on the Internet. There is no need for you to make the same mistakes.

I do have other business running and they are doing fine and at the moment pay the bills and some luxuries but I am after the BIG business ''You just received $10000 sale''

I think this is something you might be interested in. I know we are, high earning products are the answer to getting the money quicker this is known as affiliate marketing and you will come across it. Selling other people products is genuine and probably the most legal way of earning money on the internet

Do not get me wrong though, Network marketing and its companies, and there are many out there and as I said ''One of them could be your passion'' this could be your way to go but fair warning the big companies are there and so are thousands of people in them and to be successful in them you need to be the go getter otherwise you are not going to make it.

I can talk on and on here but I do not want to bore you, you are here because you are looking so let's get focused and let me know what you are thinking and where are you in your life that you want to make some drastic changes.

What do you want to earn
$29.99 or $10000.00 for one sale
Over and over

Skype gerald.longman

 I need to know where your mindset is so you can email me with just a few lines, like 
'''I/we are not earning''
''I/we do not know enough to earn good money''
''Not enough knowledge''
or just simply

Email me at
(This is not the same as filling in the form so do that as well)

Do you want to be on a list ready and waiting for what I am going to be offering
everyone as soon as I get the word GO!

If you have hesitation then just look at what Richard Branson says on the images in the slider and right hand section. He is right.

You are going to require training and tools if you want that $10000 sale over and over

The cost to join will be $49 and what you will get for that is simply out standing.

You are going to become smart and clever and use your on line time to it's maximum benefit

Fill in your details on the pop up and you will be added to the waiting list
As you will be waiting I will keep you updated with what is going on

So get on board, fill that form.

Catch you later.

Traffic monsoon training Vid's 789

Traffic monsoon training Vid's 789

Left to right
Immy Aslam highest earner in Tm - Charles Scoville Owner of Tm 
Ernie Ganz Tm Support

$14162.03 <

I would click that if you wish to start earning

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Traffic monsoon training Vid's 456

Traffic monsoon training Vid's 456

On the June 11th I posted Traffic monsoon training Vid's 123

Now ask me If advertising works - Page 1 google No3 position out of 1,648,000 results

Let's move on

I am sorry did you say you wanted to join?

Click here

$14149.67 total earning's to date

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Traffic Monsoon training Vid's 123

Traffic Monsoon training

Video's 1 2 and 3

I have got to thinking that people do not know what I do besides promote stuff and business, which is not exactly true. 

I spend a lot of time creating videos on training, help videos and explanation videos, and by email, texting, writing something, a hangout or one to one on skype or even chat boxes on Facebook.

Everyone needs a helping hand and they also need a belief system in place that they are being shown is real, tangible and not some hype ''Oh here we go just another business or scam'' and this guy is just like the rest.

Support is not just someone who a person can go and run too when there is a problem, support is relationship building, which includes the lovely words ''TRUST'' and ''FRIENDSHIP''

So many fail in online business as they will not do what it takes to empower others and I am afraid sending someone a link and hope for the best, does not really cut it.

So for the next few days I am going to start adding useful material and instruction on one of my business ''Traffic Monsoon''

If your a Network marketer or in any kind of mlm / affiliate marketing then your success in that business can only happen if you do the things that make you more above the rest than the others. 

All websites require traffic no matter what the subject is, it must have  traffic, if you have no traffic, you have no audience, you have no sales.

So let's get started and we will start with the owner of Traffic Monsoon Charles Scoville introduction video

Now beside these training videos I have put a post here so as to make the record straight for anyone who is thinking about earning online and with Traffic Monsoon and what they have seen or heard about Traffic Monsoon so before you go any further please read.

Have you ever felt stuck when someone tries to convince you TM is a ponzi?
Review the following details on this page:

What is a Ponzi scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often solicit new investors by promising to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earlier-stage investors to create the false appearance that investors are profiting from a legitimate business.

Let's cross reference with what's displayed on this page:
Does traffic monsoon offer an investment? No. Specifically, the page indicates we do not sell shares. We sell only ad service. Additionally, the word "invest" is not found on this (or any page) page at all except by firmly declaring traffic monsoon services are not an investment.

Furthermore, in the terms of service (which every member agrees to upon sign-up) it states, "TrafficMonsoon registered as a limited liability company and not a bank nor a security firm. A purchase of advertising service with us is not considered a deposit, nor investment."
Even more: on the purchase page, it clearly is noted that a purchase of ad service is not an investment.
So it can completely be concluded that Traffic Monsoon is not offering any form of investment.
Fraud is a deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain.

Looking at the ad plans page on traffic monsoon, it clearly displays that when someone buys an adpack, they will receive, "20 clicks to your banner, 1,000 traffic exchange credits, and a revenue sharing position"

On the purchase page it is even more clear to say, "20 Pay Per Click Banner Credits, 1000 Traffic Exchange Credits, and 1 revenue sharing position."
There is no deception there. This is actually what people receive.

All the other services on the ad plans page describe exactly what the buyer receives, and when a purchase is made the buyer does actually receive what they have selected and paid for.
So it can completely be concluded that there is not any fraud on Traffic Monsoon.

So the first part of this definition on SEC's website is cleared. Traffic Monsoon clearly is not any form of investment fraud, because it is neither fraud, and also not an investment.
Let's look at the next part of the definition: High Returns with little or no risk.

Looking at Traffic Monsoon's website, there is no promise of high returns. In fact, there is no promise of any return, and no promise of any income. From the ad plans page it says,
"When you click a minimum of 10 ads in our traffic exchange and remain on the websites for 20 seconds each, you'll qualify yourself for 24 hours to share in site profits.

"As long as you are qualified, each sharing position you receive with your AdPack Combo purchase will continue to share in revenues up to $55.00. Reaching this maximum is not guaranteed, or affixed to any time frame. It's completely reliant upon sales of services, and you being qualified."
This clearly identifies that active surfers in the traffic exchange who have purchased adpacks could qualify to share in the site revenues. This is effort related. The service is there, and that's what people pay for. If they choose to actively click at least a minimum number of ads through the traffic exchange, they can qualify to earn some money towards their sharing positions up to $55. There is no guaranteed amount anyone would receive, and certainly no time frame given when any amount would be given. It also clearly explains that there is no guarantee the max would ever be reached, because the system will share only real revenues.

Purported = appear to be something true, but actually be false.
Each balance showing earnings within a traffic monsoon account is backed up by real and actual money held within the payment processing gateways. Each amount earned is real.
As any business, traffic monsoon's goal is to sell and provide advertising services. Earnings are rewarded to someone who has referred a customer who purchases the ad service (10% sales commission). Revenues shared only are shared from actual and real revenues with those who have active positions, and who have viewed a minimum number of ads in the traffic exchange for that day.
This means there is never going to be a collapse.

In a ponzi, a collapse occurs when the earnings are not legitimate. The money is not really there. In otherwords, new sales pay for old earnings. In a ponzi with guaranteed purported returns, a system is created to make it appear someone is receiving something as a return for an investment which actually isn't what they are actually receiving. When a large number of people request to be paid, the ponzi cannot pay them.

In traffic monsoon, (clear distinction that it's not a ponzi) a collapse couldn't possibly occur, because the money earned is already really there. Whatever services are sold really generate a true and real amount of revenue, which is only shared 24 hours or more after the sale is generated for a service.
If 100% of the members asked to be paid today, they would all be paid -- the only reason people can't be paid right now on pending balances is because of the paypal limitation which is causing a temporary hold on the funds for 180 days.

There's no investment, no promise of returns, only advertising services are offered on traffic monsoon, clear definitions of each service being offered, exactly what is described is provided to the buyer, clear outline of how everything works, and every bit of money someone has earned is fully backed up with real money.

Let's review the red flags:
- Does traffic monsoon offer high investment returns with little or no risk? Is there guarantees of income? No.

As stated in the terms of service, "You agree to hold TrafficMonsoon harmless from any loss and / or liability to your purchase, therefore do not purchase services that you can not afford to pay for, as you are spending it at your own risk."

Additionally, in the terms of service it states, "You agree that we cannot guarantee results for your campaigns, but we can only ensure that you're able to receive all the visitors you've paid for. Results of campaigns vary upon the visitor's personal needs, and whether your offer adequately communicates ability to meet their need."

Not only does traffic monsoon not offer high investment returns without risk, but there is absolutely no guarantee of income, and no guarantees of advertising results.

- Does traffic monsoon have overly consistent returns?
Absolutely not. First of all, there are no "returns" on traffic monsoon. When someone buys a service, they receive the service they have selected and paid for. When someone qualifies to share in revenues, they are receiving a portion of revenues from the sales which have been generated. The amount shared certainly goes up or down depending upon sales of services. Only real money is shared with those who have actively clicked the minimum number of ads in the traffic exchange.
- Is traffic monsoon an unregistered investment?
Well, it's not an investment. It's a registered business, which has been registered as an advertising company. That's what is offered on traffic monsoon; advertising services.
- Unlicensed Sellers?

Traffic Monsoon does have a business license, and there is no license required for selling advertising services online.
- Secretive and/or complex strategies?
Everything is completely clear. How the revenue sharing works has been described clearly on the ad plans page.

It's definitely no secret how traffic monsoon works. It's not complicated. It's actually very quite simple.
- Issues with paperwork?
All information has been clearly displayed. Account balance details for each member account are very clear, and available by clicking "My Balance History" within the member back office.
Also, from time to time, I have released full view how much money is contained within each payment processor account completely (and more than) covers the total balances within all member accounts combined.

- Difficulty Receiving Payments?
No problems ever existed until PayPal chose to part ways with Traffic Monsoon, and are temporarily holding the funds to pay people 180 days.
I hope this helps clarify things.

And from me, one last post, one of my Micky take ones but my results are far from funny, I actually use this for advertising.

Nine months ago I joined a ponzi the ponzi is so good it has changed peoples lives. We were told by hundreds hundreds of people that it was a ponzi so I stayed and so did some of my colleagues, there doing well in the ponzi some have not bothered and have stopped building because of paypal (which ends in early August) and everyone will be happy.
Now all those who said it was a ponzi have now lost thousands of dollars and their wallets are empty now and looking for that next best ponzi that they will leave.
Become a ponzi wealth star, your friends will love you for showing them this ponzi that even a monkey can do.
We have been told hamsters can do this as well, not seen it myself but you know the Internet full of BS sometimes.
I am now looking for more monkeys to help and come join the troop. You can contact me on FB for Banana's, see you there. or just go straight to the cage and lock yourself in let me know when your done and we can then go play in the trees together after I have trained you.

See you on the next 3 videos

Ponzi scheme for dummies

Ponzi scheme for dummies

Nine months ago I joined a ponzi the ponzi is so good it has changed peoples lives. We were told by hundreds hundreds of people that it was a ponzi so I stayed and so did some of my colleagues, there doing well in the ponzi some have not bothered and have stopped building because of paypal (which ends in early August) and everyone will be happy.
Now all those who said it was a ponzi have now lost thousands of dollars and their wallets are empty now and looking for that next best ponzi that they will leave.
Become a ponzi wealth star, your friends will love you for showing them this ponzi that even a monkey can do.
We have been told hamsters can do this as well, not seen it myself but you know the Internet full of BS sometimes.
I am now looking for more monkeys to help and come join the troop. You can contact me on FB for Banana's, see you there. or just go straight to the cage and lock yourself in let me know when your done and we can then go play in the trees together after I have trained you.

Facebook me

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Turn MONEY into GOLD

Turn MONEY into GOLD
Turn GOLD into MONEY


My whole financial life has changed from a brown envelope every week to digital and precious metals and all available on my cards and a BTC address hard drive

Did you know you can carry millions of dollars in your pocket and no one could steal it

Welcome to KEEPKEY

And if it gets dropped and destroyed or stolen then 
there is a easy way to get it all the information back

Welcome Gold card

Barely a year after launching its platform, Toronto startup BitGold surpassed one million users on May 25 – and is using the occasion to re-brand itself.
On June 2, the company announced that it would be officially consolidating with Goldmoney Inc., the gold-based financial services firm it acquired last May, and integrating the services offered by both organizations under the Goldmoney brand.
In a statement, BitGold cofounder and Goldmoney CEO Roy Sebag called the rebranding a “logical evolution” of a year-long effort to integrate the companies, and a “fundamental step” in consolidating its global operations.
As part of the transaction, the “BitGold” brand will be phased out, and its platform applied to three segments that will operate under Goldmoney:
  • Goldmoney Personal: The self-directed individual savings and payment business currently operating as BitGold;
  • Goldmoney Business: BitGold’s global payment solutions arm, currently operating as BitGold Business Accounts, which provides services including gold payroll, invoicing, checkout tools, and merchant processing;
  • Goldmoney Wealth: The Saint Helier, Jersey-based precious metal custodian and investment business currently operating as Goldmoney.
Sebag said the new services, which will officially be released alongside a newly redesigned Goldmoney website, will be unveiled later this year.
Founded in 2014 by Sebag and former Goldman Sachs analyst Josh Crumb as an attempt to create a Bitcoin-like network using gold, BitGold launched its eponymous platform on May 5, 2015, and its Business Accounts service in April.
Goldmoney, meanwhile, was founded in 2002 by James Turk in the British Channel Islands, and specializes in “individuals, families, and corporations with physical access to gold, silver, platinum, and palladium for investment and long-term wealth protection,” according to the company’s website. It currently manages approximately $1.6 billion in assets for more than 21,000 clients in more than 100 countries around the world.

Changing MONEY to GOLD
Changing GOLD to MONEY

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Traffic Monsoon






I am a small guy at the moment but with $50 and started In October 2015
I am changing our living standards to higher place

So tell me how much Bullshit do you tell yourself everyday?





Email Me
Put in subject line TRAFFIC MONSOON

Or Skype me
Message in request box TRAFFIC MONSOON

How can I help you

Why TM is NOT a Ponzi or an Investment by Charles
Charles Scoville posted
June 6th 11.14a.m
Have you ever felt stuck when someone tries to convince you TM is a ponzi?
Review the following details on this page:
What is a Ponzi scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often solicit new investors by promising to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earlier-stage investors to create the false appearance that investors are profiting from a legitimate business.
Let's cross reference with what's displayed on this page:
Does traffic monsoon offer an investment? No. Specifically, the page indicates we do not sell shares. We sell only ad service. Additionally, the word "invest" is not found on this (or any page) page at all except by firmly declaring traffic monsoon services are not an investment.
Furthermore, in the terms of service (which every member agrees to upon sign-up) it states, "TrafficMonsoon registered as a limited liability company and not a bank nor a security firm. A purchase of advertising service with us is not considered a deposit, nor investment."
Even more: on the purchase page, it clearly is noted that a purchase of ad service is not an investment.
So it can completely be concluded that Traffic Monsoon is not offering any form of investment.
Fraud is a deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
Looking at the ad plans page on traffic monsoon, it clearly displays that when someone buys an adpack, they will receive, "20 clicks to your banner, 1,000 traffic exchange credits, and a revenue sharing position"
On the purchase page it is even more clear to say, "20 Pay Per Click Banner Credits, 1000 Traffic Exchange Credits, and 1 revenue sharing position."
There is no deception there. This is actually what people receive.
All the other services on the ad plans page describe exactly what the buyer receives, and when a purchase is made the buyer does actually receive what they have selected and paid for.
So it can completely be concluded that there is not any fraud on Traffic Monsoon.
So the first part of this definition on SEC's website is cleared. Traffic Monsoon clearly is not any form of investment fraud, because it is neither fraud, and also not an investment.
Let's look at the next part of the definition: High Returns with little or no risk.
Looking at Traffic Monsoon's website, there is no promise of high returns. In fact, there is no promise of any return, and no promise of any income. From the ad plans page it says,
"When you click a minimum of 10 ads in our traffic exchange and remain on the websites for 20 seconds each, you'll qualify yourself for 24 hours to share in site profits.
"As long as you are qualified, each sharing position you receive with your AdPack Combo purchase will continue to share in revenues up to $55.00. Reaching this maximum is not guaranteed, or affixed to any time frame. It's completely reliant upon sales of services, and you being qualified."
This clearly identifies that active surfers in the traffic exchange who have purchased adpacks could qualify to share in the site revenues. This is effort related. The service is there, and that's what people pay for. If they choose to actively click at least a minimum number of ads through the traffic exchange, they can qualify to earn some money towards their sharing positions up to $55. There is no guaranteed amount anyone would receive, and certainly no time frame given when any amount would be given. It also clearly explains that there is no guarantee the max would ever be reached, because the system will share only real revenues.
purported = appear to be something true, but actually be false.
Each balance showing earnings within a traffic monsoon account is backed up by real and actual money held within the payment processing gateways. Each amount earned is real.
As any business, traffic monsoon's goal is to sell and provide advertising services. Earnings are rewarded to someone who has referred a customer who purchases the ad service (10% sales commission). Revenues shared only are shared from actual and real revenues with those who have active positions, and who have viewed a minimum number of ads in the traffic exchange for that day.
This means there is never going to be a collapse.
In a ponzi, a collapse occurs when the earnings are not legitimate. The money is not really there. In other words, new sales pay for old earnings. In a ponzi with guaranteed purported returns, a system is created to make it appear someone is receiving something as a return for an investment which actually isn't what they are actually receiving. When a large number of people request to be paid, the ponzi cannot pay them.
In traffic monsoon, (clear distinction that it's not a ponzi) a collapse couldn't possibly occur, because the money earned is already really there. Whatever services are sold really generate a true and real amount of revenue, which is only shared 24 hours or more after the sale is generated for a service.
If 100% of the members asked to be paid today, they would all be paid -- the only reason people can't be paid right now on pending balances is because of the paypal limitation which is causing a temporary hold on the funds for 180 days.
There's no investment, no promise of returns, only advertising services are offered on traffic monsoon, clear definitions of each service being offered, exactly what is described is provided to the buyer, clear outline of how everything works, and every bit of money someone has earned is fully backed up with real money.
Let's review the red flags:
- Does traffic monsoon offer high investment returns with little or no risk? Is there guarantees of income? No.
As stated in the terms of service, "You agree to hold TrafficMonsoon harmless from any loss and / or liability to your purchase, therefore do not purchase services that you can not afford to pay for, as you are spending it at your own risk."
Additionally, in the terms of service it states, "You agree that we cannot guarantee results for your campaigns, but we can only ensure that you're able to receive all the visitors you've paid for. Results of campaigns vary upon the visitor's personal needs, and whether your offer adequately communicates ability to meet their need."
Not only does traffic monsoon not offer high investment returns without risk, but there is absolutely no guarantee of income, and no guarantees of advertising results.
- Does traffic monsoon have overly consistent returns?
Absolutely not. First of all, there are no "returns" on traffic monsoon. When someone buys a service, they receive the service they have selected and paid for. When someone qualifies to share in revenues, they are receiving a portion of revenues from the sales which have been generated. The amount shared certainly goes up or down depending upon sales of services. Only real money is shared with those who have actively clicked the minimum number of ads in the traffic exchange.
- Is traffic monsoon an unregistered investment?
Well, it's not an investment. It's a registered business, which has been registered as an advertising company. That's what is offered on traffic monsoon; advertising services.
- Unlicensed Sellers?
Traffic Monsoon does have a business license, and there is no license required for selling advertising services online.
- Secretive and/or complex strategies?
Everything is completely clear. How the revenue sharing works has been described clearly on the ad plans page, plus additionally within this video:
It's definitely no secret how traffic monsoon works. It's not complicated. It's actually very quite simple.
- Issues with paperwork?
All information has been clearly displayed. Account balance details for each member account are very clear, and available by clicking "My Balance History" within the member back office.
Also, from time to time, I have released full view how much money is contained within each payment processor account completely (and more than) covers the total balances within all member accounts combined.
- Difficulty Receiving Payments?
No problems ever existed until PayPal chose to part ways with Traffic Monsoon, and are temporarily holding the funds to pay people 180 days.
I hope this helps clarify things.