Google+ google6512caf20c0de6cc.html Publisher ID: pub-8431128660848232 November 2015 ~ Gerald Ballantyne

Welcome - To Income Blog

Work from home

Where is your next holiday

You will require money

Bought your dream car yet

About 98% of people buy a 2nd hand car

Happy where your living

Many would like to live elsewhere

No stress

Work with like minded people

Men like toys

This is mine

What is wrong with having the best

When you can afford it

Travel or move anywhere in the world

And run your business

I am ready to work with you

Will you work with me

Friday, 27 November 2015

Give a lot - To get a lot

Give a lot - To get a lot

I am a foot soldier / I walked the streets / I knocked on doors
I sold my products / I got happy customers / I got paid profit
I increased my customer base every where I went
I showed others how to do the same
My customer base shrank
My time got less in working the business
My profit began to climber even higher
I gave it my best and received reward for my best
I gave a lot and I got a lot


In my early Network marketing days that was how I created my first business
10 years foot slogging and coaching others to do the same

And then came along the Internet a whole new world where I could carry on my Networking business without walking, getting wet, loosing catalogues, complaints and the pleasure of looking out my window with the mountains in view drinking tea.

I knew nothing about on-line business, where do I start, what do I look for and the hardest bit, who, where and how do I find customers. I had no website or even a blog, what were they.

I had to find a way to earn an income and it all started with Guru's oh yes those smart marketers who know how to get in your mind ''Join for only a dollar'' and then once inside boom $49.99 here and then do this for  $97 there and you will become rich. Bah humbug.

And then the websites join for $20 a month (The worst of the kind, while you struggle to fathom it all out, your bank account is being hit every month) we will supply you all the tools and you go do the work, the only problem was most of the tools were junk and never worked and also you were put completely out of your KNOW zone it was how I was supposed to use the tools effectively and too stuff, I knew nothing about (Write an article huh?) Learn HTML Huh? and so on. If you have any issues ''Contact support'' yeah sure I will, the only problem is that the self making money website works on auto pilot and support is no longer there. 

BEWARE THERE STILL OUT THERE. Including old Ebooks and old software and the old and new crooks.

I have to start some where. This was a complete new way of earning on line and it was not going to be easy. I guessed that my first option was to learn about websites and create my own and very basic in those days. That was all cool and I enjoyed doing stuff, apart from frustrating it was also fun and rewarding. 

Money, I was still not earning cash in the pocket and like many others on the Internet started joining other people's business's to earn something, never did make a lot and one biz I did join pulled out of the UK and another that lasted 3 years took me for $175000 in virtual money as it turned out to be a big fat ponzi and yet again another took $5000 from me and I was not the only one, mine was just a small account.

Anyway after a long learning curve and mistakes I have finally found what does not work and what does not and a very big lesson came to me..
If you wish to succeed you must  GIVE A LOT - TO GET A LOT I certainly did that alright.

Over and over I was seeing ''Build yourself a list'' 

Now how do I build a following or list as they say, what did I have to offer anyone. Firstly my first years in Network marketing was certainly good grounds to start from having read all the books done the works shops and conferences and team building weeks ends. Travelled and spoke the word of NWM. I had become a master at it. Then there is all the learning and training and long hours of computer work to do the same on line and what a journey it has been, I have that to share as well, There is also the understanding of how computers work and could I fix or help someone with an issue. Got that sorted as well I can even ''Take over a PC and work remotely some where across the world, how many times have I done that know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.... times.

I thought how do I build a list of people and then I thought of all the persons I have met in the 14 years in Network marketing and some personal friends, I could actually build a list. I am thinking to myself these people are not a list and yet I have a list in my diary of friends and many others, I also have a list in my head so what is the difference of a list on line, none. So many friends have been lost over the years as we all move on but how nice could it be if I could keep in contact with everyone with creating a list and then producing something for them to read and stay in the loop, so up came the Newsletter. I created a Newsletter where everything that was going on could be seen in a flash in their in box, keeping them informed in many ways, whether it be a celebration, a meeting, a photo, a story or a business or what ever. Another milestone met and complete.

Then their was the question of how do I get out there into the net without hurting my pocket which was not filling fast of any money, Freebies, there had to be a ton of stuff out there that one could work with just to get started. There is so much one can spend money on but I had to find not for myself but for others as well so they to could get a good start for their business.

Everything from creating an opt in page, landing page etc tools for blasting across the Internet, all sorted. Your lucky though, this I found not to long a go and is a gold chest for you.

Now came a delivery method, what do I use to deliver to what could be a very large list as we know using normal email service is fraught with problems such as the Spam Can act and also mail filters, there was only one thing to and that was to sign up with a mailing system where they could post for me and legally and keep an eye on me and my newsletters never ended not being delivered or arrived in the spam box also being a free account and having enough subscriber room as to not charge me in these early days, thank you Mail Chip who solved all of that, complete with a very good interface to work with. Another milestone done.

Is it over NO it is not, as so far we have no automation for my business and much of it I have to sit and work for a couple of hours, posting this and that, tweaking this and that and thinking of other ideas and ways. Until money is no object then I will start on automating everything I can, and turn 2 hrs into 1/2 hr and how I will do that will be left for another post in the future.

Beats 9 to 5 don't you think. 

Monday, 16 November 2015

Leads Leads Leads how on earth do I get people to see my business

Leads Leads Leads 
How on earth do I get people to see my business

So frustrating

Over 85 million plus people are on line and in business including me, that is 85 million looking for people who would like to find interested persons to like and join their business.

Sounds horrendous and a very difficult task, well not really.

Consider the Internet firstly. It never existed as we know it today and yet thousands were already building work from home business's and they had it even harder to build. It meant a lot of talking (Called the 3 ft rule) business cards, posters, meetings inc home meetings, radio broadcasts etc. Basically it was all word of mouth and how do you get someone in Taiwan to join your business.

Today the Internet has opened the flood gates to the masses inc Taiwan. No longer stifled and walled in. Marketers and all business can now work around the world in LIGHTNING speed.

It has created a whole new world of ecommerce worth billions of dollars and many of the big corporate giants have grown thanks to the Internet.

So now we have the Internet and there is you and me, not billionaires not millionaires and for so many maybe not even a few hundred dollars to spend on advertising budgets.

Many many many people who cannot talk to people face to face about their own business which they love and enjoy, cannot share it because of fear (Been there done that) I learnt a long time ago these words ''Feel the fear and do it anyway'' it worked.

A disability maybe the cause although I must admit I have known deaf blind and dyslexic people become very successful in Network marketing.

So it really is up to the individual to do what it takes to succeed even if it does take us out of the comfort zone. 

I have given away a lot of FREE TOOLS for those that are unable to afford the finest available.

If you want the best and all in one place 
and never ever go anywhere else

Click the tool bag there is something inside you cannot see

Money does not arrive unless you have the knowledge to obtain it

Money does not arrive unless you 
have the knowledge to obtain it

One does not work without the other

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Pay for this Pay for that Pay Pay Pay Pay Where is the free stuff

Pay for this Pay for that Pay Pay Pay Pay 
Where is the free stuff

Don't you just hate it, here you are wanting to earn income on the Internet and so many want to catch those unaware that what they are selling is necessary and must have.

Do not believe it

When you have no budget at all you are pretty well stuffed

Savvy marketers want a bit of your buck before you can even start earning, and that's a big wish as well because if you have no tools to use to spread and inform people about your business or product.
Then you are completely out of luck and no sales and no referrals = No income = Keeping your fingers crossed only

Now I am going to make your day
How would you like to have your own built and designed Opt in pages designed by YOU
Here is one designed by me
How would you like to have your own built and designed Access pages designed by YOU
How would you like to have your own built and designed Landing pages designed by YOU
How would you like to Blast your ad to nearly 3000 Face book pages for free and no FB jail
How would you like to Blast your ad to Yahoo groups for free
How would you like to Blast your ad to G+ groups for free
How would you like to Blast your ad to Traffic exchanges for free
How would you like to Blast your ad to Classified ads for free
How would you like to Blast to Safe lists for free
How would you like to create your own Rotators for free
How would you like a Link cloaker for free (Some links on Face book are banned, but not for me)
How would you like to create your own Chain ads for free

And so much more inside, this will get you going straight of the bat and all for nothing
They will even do posting for you at a small price.

Due to amount of tools and information contained on the site a menu of everything is not possible.
Please go to MY BOOKMARKS and save any page you require for navigation purposes later. You can always delete those you no longer require.

Join Free-ad-blaster here
Free-ad-Blaster will pay you to do stuff as well. Nice!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Traffic monsoon / Join here

Traffic monsoon / Join here

This women from the UK started for free and is now able to withdraw $16,000 a week or $832,000 a year!!! All in less than a year in this business.

Meet Immy

Join here

Contact me on skype gerald.longman

Contact me on Facebook

I am here to help not just advertise, everyone needs help.
 Would you like to go to a meeting near you, contact me.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

People always have to pay for stuff so here is something for free for all marketers out there

People always have to pay for stuff 
So here is something for free for all marketers out there

Advertisers dreamware

Adblasters or posting software is always being sold and never hardly given away for free. Which means for the buyer who spends $40+_ they do not know if they have bought value for the buck.

So now your going to say what is the catch, nothing is free.

Water is free, air is free, smell is free, hearing is free, sight is free, love is free so for once in your life believe me this is free and it comes with a lot of useful tools.

Just fill in the contact form there

Note: The submitter is only for USA and territories and you can post all day, it will do 50 ads at a time then you can either change the ad to something else or just restart it. You may want to open a new gmail account for it so as to not fill your primary email box, personally for me I just file the info in my primary email box. On the form fill ''Message box'' just put ''Send software''

Thats my good deed for the day

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Website/Blog owners are lost at sea

Website / Blog owners are lost at sea

Go to any search engine and you will see only about 10+_ websites shown then the next page and the next until the pages go into what appears to be infinity. This is what I call Website Blog owners lost at sea. Unless you can get on page 1/3 your product or information will not be seen. Money talks and you have none.

On line can be expensive to get noticed, so what can you do.

Luckily the Internet has much to offer in the way of tools and many are free (How effective for free?) There are times when you have to do stuff that is either not in your comfort zone or ''I just cannot simply do that'' when I say that what I mean is maybe your colour blind or some kind of issue causes you a problem ''Dyslexia'' is a huge issue for many.

There is of course a big difference in ''Can not'' and ''Will not'' if you are ''Will not'' then I cannot help you, if you are a ''Can not'' I can work with you.

In the past and on line finding tools to help get exposure for your website/blog was an individual occurrence, one would find a mailing system with auto responder being offered and sold, the use of video was unheard of but is now today and sold as a product. The list goes on and on where ideas have come about to improve on line notice ability and success. And there has been one very good tool that has been around since last year that will do everything you need and all in one place, OK maybe you might have to pop out the door to do one or two things from this tool but what lies inside is quite simply Pandora's box that you will not find anywhere else.

Welcome to where the search engines cannot drag you down into the depths of obscurity and where you become the submarine of the ocean, free to go and use everything at your disposal to be on top and noticed.

When marketers go on line to sell their products and wares they need tools and some pretty powerful ones or they would never make any money. So when I and friends see something that will help us succeed on line


Lead generation is vital and you cannot do that without advertising which I constantly harp about.




Cost of this is a whole $7.00 one time payment? huh? yes that's what I printed $7.00. Where is the catch? no catch but there are upgrades within the system which open up many other tools that can be used at a later date when you can afford them, not even I use all of them yet as I am already getting leads with what I have with using the tools from the site.

And to add to that you can just sign up and give the whole lot away for yourself. Whether your looking for just a few bucks or a ton of income this system will help you and if you want more help trying using it yourself besides giving it away.

Urgent assistance required / I am broke

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Honeste online - Are you?

Honeste online - Are you? publishes individual "consumer information pages" for all of our member's websites. The purpose is to provide consumers with real-time access to each company's current profile, website address and description. Each member has agreed to a "7-Point Consumer Pledge". In addition, HONESTe Online publishes "safe, smart and secure" Internet shopping tips displayed on members Honeste website to help consumers make smarter buying choices online.