Your finances are zero! you own nothing.
Watch this video series and get financially educated
Then ask me how you can do something about
not being crontrolled and broke all the time
not being crontrolled and broke all the time
Don't forget to subscribe to me via the email registration over there
You may have been asked to join a a business by someone and
have heard of pyramids and ponzi schemes and you did not join. Silly person, you should have taken the advice and pretended you were intelligent. Now look where you are, a member of a scam that's bigger than all of the scams put together in history.
Well lets wake up, see what your pyramid/scam your in.
It is the most illegal scam in the whole wide world.
You and your children and your children's children to come,
are in debt and joined it unknowingly
It is the most illegal scam in the whole wide world.
You and your children and your children's children to come,
are in debt and joined it unknowingly
Turn your government's scams, into your own financial freedom
and join me in multiple income streams, because if you do not, then that is your choice and you will take everyone around you on the same trip because you were not smart enough to listen
and join me in multiple income streams, because if you do not, then that is your choice and you will take everyone around you on the same trip because you were not smart enough to listen
You were not taught in school all the information you are about to see
You were left even further behind when you started work.
Now I know that the money I was paid was just a wad of IOU's
Then come come back and educate yourself
Now I know that the money I was paid was just a wad of IOU's
Then come come back and educate yourself
So now you are so much wiser and may be a little annoyed about what you now know. How do you feel about how you are treated by your fellow man. Who does not care about you, only riches and manipulation.
Our planet home needs a whole new direction. As for our goverments, all there doing is repeating everything that does not work. It's total madness!