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Welcome - To Income Blog

Work from home

Where is your next holiday

You will require money

Bought your dream car yet

About 98% of people buy a 2nd hand car

Happy where your living

Many would like to live elsewhere

No stress

Work with like minded people

Men like toys

This is mine

What is wrong with having the best

When you can afford it

Travel or move anywhere in the world

And run your business

I am ready to work with you

Will you work with me

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Nothing to do with money. Just goose bumps.

Nothing to do with money - Just goose bumps

Cydel Gabutero - Phillippines

Sometimes we all click on something that gives you goose bumps. This young lady did exactly that to me. For someone so young her voice just rang out. I know there are many children out there just as good and in many talents. Sometimes its good to share something beautiful. 
Merry Christmas and holidays to everyone

Monday, 22 December 2014

Karat Bars International

Karat Bars International

Some posts back I talked about Karat Bars International

This an update: To show you a presentation

A mention: No fees/No subscriptions of any kind/ Not MLM.
 Watch and make your choice

Thank you

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Do not give up!

Do not give up!

No need to say anything from me.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Contact information


Nothing worse than not being able to contact quickly and some updates
(Although there is plenty of ways to contact me on this website)


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

$15 a year and no further out of pocket.

$15 a year and no further out of pocket

The perfect matrix

We ALL promote only ONE  link – the team link.

We do NOT promote personal links.
By promoting the TEAM link we bring about a POWERFUL
Team-Forced matrix that maximizes the compensation plan
for you and for all of the people you bring!
GREAT team support
No sponsoring required to earn.
Become part of the fastest growing TEAMBUILD
IMAGINE thousands of people, each promoting the same team link to build the perfect matrix!!
IMAGINE having new teammates fall into your matrix from all over the globe!
The SmadaBuild Team is turning IMAGINE into REALITY ….

To Join Our Team Builds

Next Level Africa

14 Advantages

1. You Keep 100% Of The Money Raised You read it correctly. Unlike other Crowdfunding platforms, we receive NO revenues, commissions or equity from the funds you raise.

2. Compounded Funding Because of our uniquely structured affiliate compensation plan, it allows the funding process to become exponential even with a small amount of initial backers.

3. No Time-Limits Theres no pre-conceived notions on the time-limit of your project to be funded. This eliminates the pressure typically associated with "time-fixed funding." It also makes our platform the "funding funnel" that keeps on giving.

4. Get Funding Daily No waiting for funds. As funding transactions occur, you get paid daily. Backers like the idea that you can start your project quicker. Better for you, better for them.

5. Greater Funding Opportunities With other Crowdfunding platforms, theres many things youre NOT ALLOWED to fund. With us, you can fund virtually any project.

6. Hard-To-Fund Projects, Get Funding Because of our "Compounded Funding" process, it takes fewer initial backers to get the momentum going. This greatly helps hard-to-fund projects, get funding.

7. No Penalties With other Crowdfunding platforms, youre penalized financially if you dont get fully funded. In other words, it costs you more. That doesnt seem fair does it?

8. You Control The Look And Feel On your project page, you can create your own look and feel. Youre not limited to any specific design. You are in 100% control of your content.

9. Payment Flexibility You also have 100% control of how you receive your funds. You can use ANY credit or debit card processor. Offer Banks wires and take checks if you want too.

10. Crew-Funding You could get a whole "crew" of fans and backers to help your cause with social media, joint-ventures, licensing deals and partnerships to further help your funding needs.

11. Added Funding With Other Services Our platform offers other products and services that when purchased by visitors, helps fund your project. Thats pretty cool.

12. We Are The First Noble Crowdfunding Platform Its not just about YOU, YOU, YOU! ... Its about helping other people achieve their funding and in doing so, YOU Get Funded!

13. It Pays To Help Others You can help others get the funding they need and never have to do any fund-raising yourself. Hows that? Just introduce them to our platform and get paid.

14. Adopt-A-Project™ Program Now you can have an immediate project and still raise funds through our affiliate program, while youre in the progress of completing your own project. Think of it as being able to "raise money" instantly even before you launch. You can CrowdFund just about anything, however, there are a few restrictions. Example: No pornography or related items. Weapon sales. Hate speech. Narcotics or Illegal activities.


Thursday, 26 June 2014

Expand your circle

  1. The single most important principle I’ve learnt that has changed my life more than anything else is the principle of stretching.

    Stretching is the act of doing something that you know is good for you and/or good for others and it scares you.

    Imagine yourself at the centre of a circle. The edge of the circle is the edge of your comfort zone. It is everything that you know and are comfortable dealing with. Once in a while you might encounter an anomaly that hits the edge of your comfort zone, if it’s a little thing you expand to include it.

    Now, if it’s a big thing, guess what? You’re going to be very uncomfortable. And what you decide to do about it is going to effect you in a major way. If you decide to avoid dealing with it, your comfort zone stays where it is. Not too bad, you get to be comfortable…you also get to not grow.

    If you choose to deal with it, your comfort zone will expand to include it, and viola! You now have an even bigger comfort zone. The growth is not always guaranteed to be easy or painless though, in fact it usually isn’t.

    We’ve all encountered situations like this when we’ve had to face difficult obstacles thrown our way.

    Why choose to expand though when it’s more comfortable to stay the way you are? The key is to realize, your comfort zone is also your zone of power.

    The more things in your life you get under your ability to handle, the wider your zone, the richer and greater your life becomes. A bigger comfort zone usually comes with a bigger sense of self-confidence, self-trust, more life experience, and a snowballing effect as you grow to want to grow even more.

    What does a small comfort zone get you? Well, put it this way; how much can you squeeze into a tiny little box?

    Expanding the edges of your comfort zone is always going to be uncomfortable. This can be a good thing. How else will you know that you’re on the edge of another level-up?

    I can remember the first few times I started applying this principle. At first, whenever I made myself face up to new and challenging situations, I would get all tense, and cold numbing fear would crawl from the pit of my stomach all the way across my body. Did I always manage to act inspite of my fear and break through my comfort barrier to grow?

    Honestly, no.

    But even half of the time is better than none of the time.

    And as I continued to do it more and more, I got better at it. It doesn’t mean that the discomfort (fear, anxiety, stress, self-doubt) got any less. In fact, it sometimes got worse as the level of challenges I took on got higher. But then, so did my ability to handle them, and the things that used to scare me stopped scaring me after a while (while I use the example of fear, uncomfortable feelings at the edge of the comfort zone can take many forms).

    The more I confronted my fear, the better I got at recognizing it. The more I stretched, the more I realized that whenever I felt the fear, instead of letting it stop me, I would recognize it as a sign that I had come up against my comfort zone and had a unique and valuable opportunity to expand and grow.

    So instead of feeling afraid and going, ‘Oh no, I can’t do this’ like I used to, I’d go, ‘Aha, fear! I’ve come up against my limits again…time to face another challenge.’

    I can guarantee you that if you keep stretching yourself, you’ll become so addicted to growth that fear will no longer become an obstacle but a trigger to act inspite of it.

    A useful belief that I’ve come to adopt is this:

    The level of challenges I’m facing in my life now are there only because I can now deal with them.

    In other words, whatever level of challenge I’m facing right now is approriate to where I am now in my personal growth for my ability to tackle and surmount, no more, no less.

    ‘But Gerald, what if I go mountain climbing tomorrow and I have no experience or training. I mean, it scares me and it’d grow me…are you telling me to go?’

    I’ve heard this type of question so many times in coaching

    I said stretch, not be stupid

    Why so many people think stretching doesn’t work with intelligence is beyond me, but I’m here to tell you the happy truth: you can stretch and stretch intelligently.

    Being intelligent people, you’ll know that there are some fears that are valid and rational. I will definitely feel afraid if I had to go climb a mountain the next day when I have zero experience in it, and that’s good fear because it’s stopping me from doing something that’s a stretch but not an intelligent one, and definitely not good for me at this point in time.

    Take this principle of stretching with you and apply it throughout your life, you will grow above and beyond anything you could expect.

    So the next time you encounter a chance to grow, but feel fear or discomfort and know that it’s not a rational or useful feeling, recognize it as only a trigger for you to break open your comfort zone and grow to the next level.

    You have the same brain matter I have. Albert Einstein, Gerald Ballantyne have the same matter only they make use of it like so many others in our world.

    Time to get that pen and paper out and start writing yourself down. How about drawing a circle and start from there, put all your fears on the outside and all the good things inside. You will then soon see that your life is trapped within that circle. Because your not willing to go to the edge of that circle and take on your fears. You are on your own and until you reach out by yourself OR get help.

    Sometimes being a leader and a coach can be a case of '' You have to hurt others to feel the pain'' so that they can move on. In all cases I have dealt with many who have overcome and greatly appreciated the help, others decided to stay in there circle of comfort. In our industry '' You cannot stay in the circle''. However the above is more about everyone in there own lives and how to STRETCH. Go and do it.

Friday, 4 April 2014

GOLD you cannot destroy it

 GOLD you cannot destroy it

 In reference to

After reading my earlier posts as per link above do you not think that a time old proven system of financially protecting yourself is worth the effort or would you rather be on the end of a dole queue

Have you been there? what was it like? degrading/misery/broke/family problem's/fear - lining up with others in a system that controls you completely. You know you can prevent it! don't you!

My blog is an answer to many, just go through it like many others have and DO something

Be brave, control your life

Or just let someone else run it for you

This is my favourite quote


You have all the tools to contact me

It's that easy

Watch a webinar

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Is life just about money? No! lets have some culture

Is life just about money? No! lets have some culture

Enjoy what life has to offer
No good chasing money if you cannot have what life has to offer as if there were none

Unusual blog don't you think


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

You have got to be kidding me I AM IN!

You have got to be kidding me I AM IN!

With a magnificent difference, nothing like I have seen before

14000 people joined prior to the Launch next week (24/02/2014)

If you see this after the date do not hesitate to contact me

UPDATE: 20000 Members 03/03/2014 
UPDATE  13/03/2014

Lets have a look at this

DISCLAIMER: Full Disclosure* as Mandated by The FTC.
Below is full disclosure and full transparency of the compensation plan payout.
As with any business, funding or opportunity, you may not make a dime or raise any money.
Compounded Funding™ is an essential, additional financial resource for our CrowdFund-Giving Platform.
Results depicted are not typical, and there's absolutely NO guarantee of income. Monies earned
or raised (if any), are all based on retail sales, contributions and your business work ethic. Through
the Compounded-Funding™ process, SPILL-UP OR SPILL-OVER MAY OR MAY NOT OCCUR..


CrowdFund Giving Information.
When "CrowdFund Giving" Becomes a fully-functional platform, you'll be able to add your project content
and start your funding. On your project page, you'll have your information about your project and how
backers can pay you you directly. No waiting for funds. No time constraints.

There's Two Ways You're Funded.
One: People give money to your project (usually in exchange for a reward), such as being on your
special list, an autographed picture, maybe pre-buying your product or service, tickets to your
grand-opening and so on. You choose the reward based on how much they give to your project.
"Nextlevelx" receives NO commissions from your backers.

Two: Our "Compound Funding" process. When promoting your project through social media, your list,
press releases and so on, people will be directed to your (nextlevelx) replicating website. There,
they can click on your project page, or, checkout how they can have their own CrowdFund Giving platform.
If they get their own platform, you make money for your project. Huge money!

You can make a fortune by helping other people achieve their project needs. How is this done?
NO! you DO NOT have to do any fund-raising. All you do is simply refer other people to your
Nextlevelx replicating website. As people get their platform, and they get their platform, and they
get their platform, you can make a lot of money.
Did You Know That Our CrowdFunding Platform Has 13 Advantages
Over Any Other CrowdFunding Platform on The Planet? Click Here

want in

Have You Seen The Incredible Value That's Inside
The "Please Advise" Free Package?


*As with any business, funding or opportunity, you may not make a dime or raise any money.
Compounded Funding™ is an essential, additional financial resource for our CrowdFund-Giving Platform.
Results depicted above definitely are not typical, and there's absolutely NO guarantee of income. Monies earned
or raised (if any), are all based on sales, contributions and your business work ethic. Through the
Compounded-Funding™ process, SPILL-UP OR SPILL-OVER MAY OR MAY NOT OCCUR.

Now! I have seen what is inside this and I joined immediately I also have information that will help me and some of my business members make in 3 months approx $150000 thats right $150000 in that time, I also know that if I take the right package I can make $3000 pretty much instantly!! Thats not including the $150000 I am not going to say anymore (To excited lol)

This what you do....
Take a look at WATCH every video AND THEN CONTACT ME ASAP do not join and use a referal link, that will be one huge mistake. You will see a name Noel Adams sign up AND THEN CONTACT ME.

Skype me gerald.longman


Start-a-business. Join or create a business opportunity. Need money to write a book, video, songs, art, retail location? Does your non-profit organization need money? Need money for an invention, manufacturing, website, help the needy, start-a-band, pay hospital bills and pretty much anything else you can think of. <<<<< thats a few crumbs of what this business can do for you and others

About crowd funding 

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Driver robot the best driver source site

Driver robot the best driver source site

Are you tired of spending 30 minutes with a search engine just to get a driver?

You're not alone. Updating your PC's drivers manually is a tiresome process - nevermind the risk that you'll ruin your system by accidentally installing the wrong software. Drivers are too important to leave to chance. It's critical that you have the latest official drivers for your system.

The solution? Driver Robot.

Driver Robot, with its perfect hardware scanning engine, massive database, and fully mirrored downloads, ensures that you get the correct driver for your system - quickly and easily - 100% of the time.

Driver Robot updates:

  • Sound card drivers
  • Printer drivers
  • Video card drivers
  • Motherboard drivers
  • Webcam drivers
  • Wireless drivers
  • Bluetooth drivers
  • FireWire drivers
  • Ethernet drivers
  • Windows XP drivers
  • Windows Vista drivers
  • USB drivers
  • Chipset drivers
  • AC97 drivers
  • DVD drivers
  • Router drivers


Fixed my video driver

"I got a new graphics card but the framerate was terrible, and the manufacturer's website didn't help at all. It turns out that the driver that came with the card was 6 months out of date! Driver Robot got me the latest driver automatically, and now my whole system is more responsive, especially the games."
- Trentin Lagrange, CA 

New life for an old PC

"I had an old Pentium III kicking around that I wanted to put XP on for the kids. Instead of finding each driver one by one I used the Driver Robot exporter and got the whole system set up in about 30 minutes. Money well spent, especially since I can do it again any time."
- Tim Whiteman, PA 

Printer issue resolved

"When I upgraded to Vista I didn't want to throw out my perfectly good old printer, but I wasn't having any luck finding Vista support for it. I gave Driver Robot a try and it identified my printer and installed a special Vista driver from its database - my printer works like it always has, and I saved $200, so I'm pretty happy."
Susan Peterson, MA 

 Update all of your system drivers in just 2 minutes.
Instead of spending hours trying to tweak your computer with drivers you find at random sites on the Internet, use Driver Robot. Driver Robot updates all of your system drivers in just 2 minutes. With Driver Robot, you never need to worry about installing an incorrect or out-of-date driver - the Driver Robot scan and database ensures you always get the latest official driver.

Optimize your PC's performance with new drivers.

Many people don't realize how important having the latest drivers is. Hardware manufacturers often release drivers that improve performance, enhance functionality, and generally make your PC faster on a regular basis - if you know where to find them, and which ones to get. Driver Robot does this automatically for you, so you know that your PC is always operating at 100% efficiency.


You fat unfit lazy good for nothing

 You fat unfit lazy good for nothing

I love inspirational stories and there are many forms of it on this blog

So here is another ''You fat unfit lazy good for nothing''

What's your excuse?

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Your finances are zero! you own nothing. In fact you and your children are so in debt you have no idea.

Your finances are zero! you own nothing. 
In fact you and your children are so in debt you have no idea

Watch this video series and get financially educated
Then ask me how you can do something about
not being crontrolled and broke all the time

Don't forget to subscribe to me via the email registration over there

You may have been asked to join a a business by someone and
have heard of pyramids and ponzi schemes and you did not join. Silly person, you should have taken the advice and pretended you were intelligent. Now look where you are, a member of a scam that's bigger than all of the scams put together in history.

Well lets wake up, see what your pyramid/scam your in.
It is the most illegal scam in the whole wide world.
You and your children and your children's children to come,
are in debt and joined it unknowingly

Turn your government's scams, into your own financial freedom
and join me in multiple income streams, because if you do not, then that is your choice and you will take everyone around you on the same trip because you were not smart enough to listen


You were not taught in school all the information  you are about to see
You were left even further behind when you started work.

Now I know that the money I was paid was just a wad of IOU's

Then come come back and educate yourself

So now you are so much wiser and may be a little annoyed about what you now know. How do you feel about how you are treated by your fellow man. Who does not care about you, only riches and manipulation.

Our planet home needs a whole new direction. As for our goverments, all there doing is repeating everything that does not work. It's total madness!