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You've probably seen buzz word of 2015/2016...."Video". In fact - we like to call it the video band wagon, where nearly every product released seems to include the word "video" in it... ...even if it's totally unrelated!

Most popular video player are incredibly feature rich, tech savvy works of art.
In fact, we admire how good there features are..
So whats the problem?
These video players are built by GREAT technical people...BUT in most cases, many are poor marketers.
It's NOT the amazing features that makes a video sell... its the ENGAGEMENT.
And guess what?
Doodle videos are proven to be the biggest converting, cash sucking conversions tools online. A marketers dream tool.
THE No 1 Doodle Software Allows You To Create Amazing and NEW Interactive Sketch Videos, Sky Rocket Engagement And Boost Sales by 337% for ANY Business.
Watch the Amazing NEW Interactive Easy Sketch Pro 3.0 build a video from scratch and make it Interactive
With ESP you can take your marketing to a much higher level or maybe you are a teacher and you want to create educational videos for the class.
The possibilities of ESP are endless and only stumped by ones imagination.

Now you have watched the free video, do you want some more info? We think it should be available to the masses and not just the elite, the guru's and big spenders.
Video marketing is becoming the front line in the advertising world, far above anything else. People watch videos rather than boring text, this brings in customers and sales which means money in your bank account.
Here is a screen shot from google about a business, the key words were ''Man in van'' quite a normal search term here in the UK. Also the town was targeted and as you can see there are other ''Man in van'' adverts, but what is the difference. It was the only ''Man in van'' video ever made for the keywords and target. The video ad went straight to page 1 of google and few hours later became the no 1 result.
Now we all know that to get on Page 1 at No 1 on Google search is not easy and you can spend a lot of money to get your ad there. But all it cost me was some dollars and some time to create the video, all 59 seconds of it in this case.
(Stick to 30 seconds, you want your video to go viral as fast as possible)

To create a viral video the max time is 30 seconds and no more
Now where do you want to advertise your video ad? on search engines or Facebook groups. More info once you click the banner ad.

31,720 people reached
Click the ad NOW! and start getting your business seen by thousands.