Google+ google6512caf20c0de6cc.html Publisher ID: pub-8431128660848232 October 2015 ~ Gerald Ballantyne

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About 98% of people buy a 2nd hand car

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Many would like to live elsewhere

No stress

Work with like minded people

Men like toys

This is mine

What is wrong with having the best

When you can afford it

Travel or move anywhere in the world

And run your business

I am ready to work with you

Will you work with me

Thursday, 29 October 2015

My paying ads another traffic pulling website

My paying ads another traffic pulling website

There are tons of viral advertising sites out there and all much the same, as you already know I am in Traffic monsoon with over a million members and growing, there ad packs start at $50 and you can join for free and build your income by clicking ads and get paid for doing so ( enabling you to buy your first ad pack without using any money of your own, it is much slower and a lot of clicking, but working to earn is the morale way to do things and thats how I started in TM and many others did the same.

That got me thinking that many people out there do not wish to do a lot of boring clicking and seeing results arrive slowly. This is where Mypayingads comes to the rescue. 

This is taken from the website as you will see when you join.

What we are not:
We are not an investment / HYIP / MLM / Matrix / Cycler / Currency Exchange/ securities site.

What we are:
We are an online advertising site. We sell advertising services. Our primary product / service is Business Listing (adpacks) and our other products / services are Banner ads, Text ads, Login ads etc. You may use these to advertise you Business/Programs to all members and visitors of our site.

MyPayingAds Earning Opportunity:
We provide earning opportunities to all our members as detailed below.

Earning Opportunity #1 - Referral Commission:
As an incentive for promoting the services offered in our site, we offer all our members 10% referral commission on every purchase made by their direct (Level 1 only) referral. The 10% referral commission is distributed as 30/70-CashBalance/Re-purchase Balance.

Earning Opportunity #2 - Profit Sharing:
We share profits (excluding 10% that is paid as referral commission and an additional Admin Fee) from every product sale, with all members who have purchased Business Listing (Adpacks) from us. Each $1 value of Adpack gives you 20 Business Directory Listing Credits.
Please note that this earnings depends on the sales of Business Listing (adpacks). We cannot and do not guatantee any earning or speed of earning from profit sharing.

Eligibility to receive profit sharing:
1. Members must first purchase Business listing (Adpacks).
2. Then the member MUST also log into My Paying Ads account on a daily basis and surf at least 10 of our members Business Listings from "surf ads" page. Alternatively, members may purchase the low cost surf-free plan.

Once a member becomes eligible, profit share is distributed every 30 minutes, if we have received sales for that period. This is done automatically and will continue till the Adpacks mature at 120%. At this point it will cease to earn further.

In short:

Below are the AdPAcks offered at this site:

(I have not seen anywhere else where you can get started so fast and at a low cost entry ad pack plan)

AdPack-Plan 1: $1 share maturing at $1.20 (120% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 2: $3 share maturing at  $3.60 (120% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 3: $5 share maturing at  $6.25 (125% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 4: $7 share maturing at  $8.75 (125% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 5: $10 share maturing at  $13.00 (130% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 6: $15 share maturing at  $19.50 (130% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 7: $20 share maturing at  $27.00 (135% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 8: $30 share maturing at  $40.50 (135% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 9: $40 share maturing at  $56.00 (140% Returns)
AdPack-Plan 10:$50 share maturing at  $75.00 (150% Returns)

The revenue from each pool is distributed to the active adpacks of the same pool only.
The maximum active adpacks that members can have are 200 for all AdPack-Plans (except for AdPack-Plan 10 where members can have a maximum of 2000 adpacks).
Members should maintain a minimum of 100 active packs in one AdPack pool before purchasing from next higher AdPack pool.

Each $1 value gives 20 Business Listing Credits!

Earning Opportunity #3:
All members can earn by visiting websites listed in the "Earn money" page. These are ads listed by other members of our site.

Long Term Sustainability:
To maintain long term sustainability, 70% of Ad packs earnings (excluding referral commissions) is placed into a repurchase account. This amount can only be used to purchase more Ad Packs or ad credits.

Withdrawals are allowed from Monday-Friday at MyPayingAds. Minimum amount to withdraw is $5 and maximum amount each member can withdraw is $500 per day.

MyPayingAds Advertising:
MyPayingAds offers the following advertising products:

1. Business Directory - For every Ad Pack purchased, member gets 20 credits (for every $1 value of Adpack) to list their business in our Daily Surf Page. The listing are displayed in rotation with all other listings.

2. Login Ads - These ads are viewed by all members that login in to their account daily to surf the ads.

3. PTC Advertisements - Paid To Click advertising helps to get targeted visitors to your website / link.

4. Banner Ads - We offer rotating and fixed (static) banner ad packages, in 3 different sizes, (125x125,468x60,728x90).

5. Text Ads - We offer rotating and Fixed (static) text ad packages.

6. Solo Ads - You may use this ad service to email our members with your opportunities.

7. PPC Banners - Pay per click (PPC) is an advance advertising option where you get guaranteed visitors to your website / link.

So from day one
You earn on your first ad pack a reasonable profit
What if you were one of those people who have a few bucks to spare
$1000 or more
I think you can do the maths

When you look at the website you might think ''Are you kidding me''
''Does a beggar on a street corner appear to be so or is he richer than you.''

Friday, 23 October 2015

Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Venezuela, Australia and Poland

Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Venezuela, Australia and Poland.

These are the countries who are coming to my blog the most and just recently a post that I posted more than once has them very interested in a business I am in called ''Traffic Monsoon'' a website traffic company with over a million members and growing.

You can join for free and if you have no money then you can earn money to advance yourself for even more income, what we call ''Adpacks'' 

Most ponzi will ask you to pay a monthly fee but not TM you work, you get paid

I started just by clicking ads and for that I was being paid by ''Cashlinks'' just click them watch the ''Timed ads'' (no more than 60seconds) and the money is yours.

Once you get started and see what is on offer you will be jumping at the bit to buy a Ad pack, I know I did.

Watch this and see if this will wet your appetite

Now I know so many out there who have tried so many business's out there and got badly burnt I have no doubt we may have been in them with you unknowingly.

Two years ago I was in a biz and in the first year many made thousands of dollars but I just watched it and did not join (Suspicious) and then a year later they we still going so I joined after being hounded by the same person who introduced me a year earlier. I did what I had to do and accumulated $175,000,00 not including my wife's account.

And then things started looking suspicious and could not draw one cent out from my money. The story in the end, it was just a big fat nasty ponzi and thousands lost thousands of dollars. The court case still goes on.

It has now been two years later and in another business and working very well but slow in the build of it and that's fine, I am even part of the support system of the new business.

How ever we have bills to pay and food for the table just like you. We have to look at other business and see if we can speed up our income and that is why we chose Traffic Monsoon together after much discussion and reading and watching and checking everything. We learnt from the scammers and crooks and know what to look for now. Our friends who also went through bad times with us and have joined us in TM. Its good to work with people who know each other and trust each other. We even created a skype room called the PONZI ROOM lol seek and evaluate and decide.

It is hard, we know to find the right business, some look so real and convincing so how do you choose. Well you and me have not met yet so everything I say is just wind. All I can say is JOIN FOR FREE work it and then you can contact me in various ways

1. Email system in the business
2. Skype me gerald.longman
3. Facebook me and message me
4. Email

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Take a look at this!!!

Take a look at this!!!

And you not joined us yet?

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Scams and Pyramids? So what! make some money and run

Scams and Pyramids? So what! make some money and run

To be able to determine whether MLM (or a specific MLM company) is or is not a pyramid, scam, Ponzi scheme, or chain letter, you will need to understand each of them. Only then can you differentiate between them. And in future newsletters, I will give you some very good background on each of these specifically. 

Today, we're going to take a look these areas more broadly and look at being able to see some critical differences so let me tell a story first.

How Are They Different, How Are They Alike?

When my son was young I would point out a car and say the word “car.” He soon picked it up and would point to a car and say, “Car.” Then he pointed to a bus and said, “Car.” I said, “No, bus.” He didn’t believe me. Why? Because he had assumed that a bus “looked” like a car - therefore it was a car. Specifically, anything that moved on wheels was, in his mind, a car!
To solve this, I found a bus and a car that were parked side by side and pointed out those things that make them different from each other and those things that make them like each other. Only then could my son determine if what he was looking at was a car or a bus. If someone cannot see how things are different and how things are alike, they are dumb on that subject.
What I’ve just described is how the media (and many people) have confused the world about MLM and pyramids - because they can’t differentiate between them. They have lumped them into the same category, evidently thinking that anything that pays on multiple levels must be a pyramid. If that were true, franchising would be a pyramid.

What I’ve just described is how the media (and many people) have confused the world about MLM and pyramids - because they can’t differentiate between them. They have lumped them into the same category, evidently thinking that anything that pays on multiple levels must be a pyramid. If that were true, franchising would be a pyramid.

Let’s start with a couple of definitions, since many people do not really know correct definitions to these words.

1. Someone’s plan for achieving something.
2. A secret or devious plan.
Scheme comes from Latin word schema, which means figure.
Therefore, a scheme can mean either a plan for something good or something devious.

A fraudulent scheme.
Fraudulent comes from the Latin word fraud, which means deceit.
Deceiving someone means to trick them.

FACT: There is no industry (including stocks, charities, legal, medical, religion, MLM and government) that does not have a history of fraudulent activities. The fraudulent activities of some people in an industry does NOT constitute a fraudulent industry.

In looking at scams, it is important to locate the actual source that is carrying out the scam; there is ALWAYS at least ONE person.


One that causes, creates, or initiates; a maker. (May I remind you of the recent attack Herbalife suffered at the hands of one man bent on making his own personal profit with Herbalife stocks?)

If a person kills someone with a rock, don’t blame the rock! The rock isn’t the source and didn’t kill the person. A person with bad intention is the source and USED a rock to do damage.

If a scammer uses telemarketing to seduce its victims into a scam, don’t blame the telephone. The scammer (a person) is the source and USED a telephone to deploy his scam.

If a scammer (a person) uses MLM to deploy his scam, don’t blame MLM.

An industry can’t be a scam as it’s not capable of tricking people. People are the only ones capable of tricking people.

MLM is not the culprit in scams, pyramids, investment fraud, chain letters or Ponzi schemes. The culprit is the unethical activities of a person or a group of people.

The reason scams sometimes use MLM is because MLM is a powerful way to distribute anything. Just as a telephone or the Internet is a powerful way to reach people.

Pyramid Schemes & Scams- Part Two
Last week we left off with a discussion about identifying the source of something. This article picks up from that point.  If you need a quick refresher on this topic you can immediately view last week's article here:  
Confusion and Perspective - how these concepts have been twisted

Bear with me a moment as I define both words:
1. Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.
2. Lacking logical order or sense.

The government and the media have done a fantastic job of confusing people on the subject of pyramids and their association to MLM. The government (FTC - Federal Trade Commission) has publicly sued companies for running an illegal pyramid scheme and announced it to media; then the media has announced it to the public with very accusative statements like, “(Name of company) is an illegal pyramid scheme - ACTION IMMINENT!”

Then, after researching the company, the government drops the case because of no wrongdoing. But the media doesn’t announce this - therefore the public continues to think that a particular company is a pyramid scheme when it’s not. Pretty soon people just generally think that all MLM companies are pyramids when they are not.
This is the primary reason for the “controversy” around MLM. The controversy comes from people being confused on what is a legal and ethical MLM business and what is a pyramid. I will remove the confusion below.

 ----The ability to perceive things in their actual comparative importance.

How “fraudulent” is one industry compared to another industry? To try and calculate this you’d have to ask the question, “What is the damage done by the fraud?” In the case of pyramids it would be loss of money. So in order to quantify how fraudulent one industry is, you’d have to compare it to another or other industries where people lose money. A news reporter can claim, “People have lost millions of dollars in these  pyramid schemes.” Is
that a lot? Compared to what?

NOTE: I am not discussing MLM here, I’m discussing illegal pyramids.

In the US during the 2000’s, I was able to find: 
TC vs. BigSmart - $5 million
Gifting Clubs - $16 million
Professional Resource Systems - $13 million
FTC vs. Skybiz - $20 million 
That totals about $54 million.
Is that bad? If so, how bad? Let’s compare it to some other “losses.”

The largest financial losses to mankind in the 21st century (and throughout history) have been in the US stock market.

The stock market lost 9 TRILLION dollars of people’s money (January 2001 to October 2002)!
Seattle Times reported that, “According to Census Bureau statistics, the number of older Americans in the workforce grew by as much as 50 percent between 1980 and 2002. These older workers are seeking career changes, such as opening small businesses, and others are returning to work after huge stock market losses reduced their retirement funds.”

Even though the losses are well known and documented, the government continues to let the stock exchanges do business. If the FTC’s stated purpose is to protect people against deceptive business practices that cause financial loss of their money, why, oh, why would they be focused on pyramids when the stock market in ONE DAY lost $663 billion dollars (October 27, 1997) of Mom and Pops’ life savings? How can that business be allowed to stay in operation? I do not have an axe to grind with the stock market. I’m bringing this up as an example of perspective. Intelligent people can and DO put things in perspective by comparing them.

When you compare the losses in the stock market, lotteries, and gambling to the losses caused by pyramids, it is clear that pyramids do not cause nearly the amount of damage as other industries. In 2003, the average household in the U.S. spent $372 on state lottery tickets - that’s 42 billion dollars in losses (not counting the handful that won). Americans “legally” gambled more than 1.1 trillion dollars (2006). Put a trillion into perspective.

I am by no means advocating or defending pyramids!
I want all scams and unethical business practices stopped. Period. (Author: Not me mate)

One of the main reasons for this newsletter series is to educate people about how to tell the difference between MLM and pyramids so they never get involved in a pyramid or an MLM that is doing business in an illegal or unethical way. 

My comments above merely suggest that if people (government, media, anti-MLM people) are going to scream fraud, then they should put the fraud into proper perspective of what’s causing the most financial damage. To do otherwise clearly demonstrates stupidity on the subject, or personal bias.

 At some point in every presentation you will be asked, "Yah, but isn't that a pyramid?" (or some version of that).


(All the above was nicked/pinched from the Internet and if the person who did that wishes me to remove it I will gladly do so, what's the point of me repeating what has already been said and If I knew where it actually came from I would give it a credit)

Further to scams or ponzi's I have found over the years that thousands have made money on them and I also know so many miss the boat in even making 1 cent let alone $100 a month in anything.

So I have started a ponzi skype room where we join ponzi schemes and go full blast into making money. We do have our legal and proper network marketing biz and thats all good but for quick buck money and lots of it, ponzi's here we come. Contact me on skype gerald.longman or facebook  if your interested and join the ponzi group. Or stay broke, that's up to you.

PS Your government and everyone in them is doing something illegal and you can bet money is involved in some way. And you want to save the world and be a martyr? not me, I am going for the money.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

I need traffic for my business

I need traffic for my business

All TM updates are now posted here

Income shots and other biz income are here

This video hangout will  make you a very wealthy person next year
Listen to our CEO and tell us that you will not make a lot of income
within 1 year

I am advertising my blog and all business's on 
Traffic Monsoon and the results are amazing!
We are paid every hour on the hour 24/7 365 days a year

A presentation

Click the banner get started and do the same

OR contact me at and lets start talking
