$15 a year and no further out of pocket
The perfect matrix
We ALL promote only ONE link – the team link.
We do NOT promote personal links.
By promoting the TEAM link we bring about a POWERFUL
Team-Forced matrix that maximizes the compensation plan
for you and for all of the people you bring!
GREAT team support
No sponsoring required to earn.
Become part of the fastest growing TEAMBUILD
IMAGINE thousands of people, each promoting the same team link to build the perfect matrix!!
IMAGINE having new teammates fall into your matrix from all over the globe!
The SmadaBuild Team is turning IMAGINE into REALITY ….
To Join Our Team Builds
Next Level Africa

14 Advantages
1. You Keep 100% Of The Money Raised
You read it correctly. Unlike other Crowdfunding platforms, we receive NO revenues, commissions or equity from the funds you raise.
2. Compounded Funding
Because of our uniquely structured affiliate compensation plan, it allows the funding process to become exponential even with a small amount of initial backers.
3. No Time-Limits
Theres no pre-conceived notions on the time-limit of your project to be funded. This eliminates the pressure typically associated with "time-fixed funding." It also makes our platform the "funding funnel" that keeps on giving.
4. Get Funding Daily
No waiting for funds. As funding transactions occur, you get paid daily. Backers like the idea that you can start your project quicker. Better for you, better for them.
5. Greater Funding Opportunities
With other Crowdfunding platforms, theres many things youre NOT ALLOWED to fund. With us, you can fund virtually any project.
6. Hard-To-Fund Projects, Get Funding
Because of our "Compounded Funding" process, it takes fewer initial backers to get the momentum going. This greatly helps hard-to-fund projects, get funding.
7. No Penalties
With other Crowdfunding platforms, youre penalized financially if you dont get fully funded. In other words, it costs you more. That doesnt seem fair does it?
8. You Control The Look And Feel
On your project page, you can create your own look and feel. Youre not limited to any specific design. You are in 100% control of your content.
9. Payment Flexibility
You also have 100% control of how you receive your funds. You can use ANY credit or debit card processor. Offer Banks wires and take checks if you want too.
10. Crew-Funding
You could get a whole "crew" of fans and backers to help your cause with social media, joint-ventures, licensing deals and partnerships to further help your funding needs.
11. Added Funding With Other Services
Our platform offers other products and services that when purchased by visitors, helps fund your project. Thats pretty cool.
12. We Are The First Noble Crowdfunding Platform
Its not just about YOU, YOU, YOU! ... Its about helping other people achieve their funding and in doing so, YOU Get Funded!
13. It Pays To Help Others
You can help others get the funding they need and never have to do any fund-raising yourself. Hows that? Just introduce them to our platform and get paid.
14. Adopt-A-Project™ Program
Now you can have an immediate project and still raise funds through our affiliate program, while youre in the progress of completing your own project. Think of it as being able to "raise money" instantly even before you launch.
You can CrowdFund just about anything, however, there are a few restrictions. Example: No pornography or related items. Weapon sales. Hate speech. Narcotics or Illegal activities.